The plan

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"Who's rosy?"Amber was staring at Will which she finally noticed he was in the room,Ambers thoughts where swirling in her mind she had only been in the camp for 2 weeks and so much had happened,"Shes on of the nymph councils,"Gaia said grumbling,"I could go and ask for her to come,"Will stood up looking at Aqua,"Whatever,"Aqua was to busy eyeing his nails to bother,Wills face fell he slowly walked to the door and walked out.

Will wasn't to fond of Amber but he just felt like she brought everything to life in the camp,she was the heart in the camp and they where feeding of her energy.Will walked over to the woods which was the natural habitat of the nymphs,Will had lived in the camp since he was 6 years old he remembered it like it was yesterday.He was so sacred that day,he didn't know much about the elements until his first day of history class where he learnt the history of the elements,he remembered all of it like it was stuck to his eyelids.He was enchanted about the stories of how the nymphs tried to gain power but they never succeeded,Will was near a long bright tree,it's leaves where gold and shimmered like dangerous stars,it had a nymph symbol engraved on it.The symbol was black leave with a silver eye inside,he slowly touched the symbol and closed his eyes,"what do you want Will,"Will opened his eyes Rosy was standing in front of him.Her blonde,icy her hair was loose and she had flowers pinned all over he hair she wore a lose,colourful dress and she was bare footed,her purple silky skin matched perfectly with her icy blue eyes.She was-beatiful,"Aqua was asking for you,important quest,"Rosy swept her hair back and looked around,"sure,"

"So you,the new girl,want to defeat darkness!"Rosy gave a small laugh,she thought the idea of defeating darkness was crazy.The new girl,Amber,was staring at her with fury."I thought it was a good idea,"Rosy looked at Will she always noticed when Will looked at her,she thought Will was nice but nice was boring,"I'll give it a try but if it goes wrong don't say I didn't warn you,"Rosy glared at Mr hooves,"so what now,"
"Well we have to see when we can arrange for you guys to go back to the mundane world,"
"We have to go fast,Windy won't have much power left,"Amber was looking at the paintings hung at the walls,"But we still have to do my Element war,"Rosy looked at Will which was staring at mr hooves,"of course,those will be hosted tomorrow at noon yo will leave after the games,"Rosy stood up "guess I'm not needed anymore,"Rosy walked out and into the forest.

Aqua was walking back to the element houses Amber by his side,"How is it living in the mundane world,"Aqua kicked a pebble on the floor,"Well,it's quite I'll tell you that,"She gave Aqua a small giggle,"There aren't a lot of interesting things,it's a lot more messy,things around here are fresh and new completely different to New york,"Aqua looked down at Amber,he was a lot taller then her she was the same level to his chin,he never met someone so bright and alive,"I got carried away don't listen to me,"Aqua saw Amber put her hair underneath her ear something that she did a lot.They where in front of the houses,Aqua turned to Amber facing her,"I really hope this quest will work,"Amber said thinking out load,"It will work,"Aqua said hopefully.

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