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Aqua turned and faced Darkness,he was holding something large and round in his hands and was moving about with his thin pale fingers,"what do you mean,"Aqua said loudly,the hooded figure belched out a rumbling laugh which caused the ceiling and walls to rumble.He finally stopped moving the ball and put it near Aquas face,the ball was blank but slowly started to move and figures where moving inside.The boy finally saw the image inside of 3 teenagers drowning in strange liquid,he heard Amber gasp from the other side of the room,"Will,Gaia and a Rosy,what have you done to them!"Aquas pulse raised as he watched his friends drown and spit black liquid,he could hear girls voices in the background singing and humming a tune."My slaves have done a good bargain with me,you see I don't always fool around,"darkness smiled revealing his white teeth which radiated of his dark features,Aquas mind ticked as he fumbled with the pieces in his mind,"the tale sisters,you told them to capture our friends if you let them go,"
"I guess we do have some smart elements in this room,"From the corner of his eyes Aqua could see Ambers pupils widen as she saw her mother crouching in the corner,he felt a sting of pain hit his heart,"Which do you choose your friends or a lousy element?"Aqua gulped down bile,he couldn't choose he needed help,"No,don't do this.Take me for my friends and mother,I'll be your slave,"Amber stood forward in front of Darkness,he lifted his eyebrow and touched Ambers hair,"I could see you as a slave,with such beautiful locks and bravery you could come in handy,"Aqua breathed in deeply,"Amber do-"
"No,it's final Aqua.Go take my mother and friends,you'll find me eventually."
Darkness removed his fingers from Ambers locks and stepped closer towards the woman in the cage,her hair seemed to be becoming thinner and darker her golden face was becoming paler by the minute.Darkness kneeled down and unlocked the lock with the click of his fingers,Aqua closed his eyes as light burst through the room.He wasn't able to see the element in its fullest form,it was to dangerous.He fluttered his eyes back open to see the woman back on her feet flexing her fingers and legs,darkness was no longer by the cage but by Amber holding her wrist,"Wait!what about the others!"Aqua shouted,darkness chuckled,"They are free and so is my daughter,but you will not see me for a while as I have business to attend,"with that darkness grabbed hold of Ambers shoulder and brought her close,smoke spiralled around the two relatives and they where gone with a puff of smoke.Aqua watched Ambers golden eyes turn with misery as she vanished,it would be a long time before he saw her face again.

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