The camp

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Will stuck his head in his hands,"I got a D in my test,"he groaned before looking up and staring into Aquas eyes,"Well it's not a surprise,I mean you put your arrow in back words and crashed onto a tree twice-the same tree,"
Unlike will Aqua did pretty well in his test just like all the tests that week.But his partner,Gaia,was really fun in some occasions but she just was really clingy towards Aqua,

"I see your partner was a load of fun as she kept on giving you the googly eyes!"he laughed so hard that he fell back onto his back causing his head to bash onto a rock,he yelped in pain rubbing the back of his head
"That's what you get for laughing at me,"Aqua grabbed Wills neck straggling him in the process,
Aqua turned his head slightly to only see Gaia with her brown hair tied back into a ponytail wearing a green vibrant dress with brown converses,

"I didn't mmeean to scare yyyoouu Aqua"Gaia stuttered,she stepped back trying to hide.Gaia didn't want Aqua to see her behind him watching the them fight,she would seem creepy.
"Oh umm no problem I think I'm gonna g-"Aqua was quickly interrupted by Gaia's startling reaction,
"Wait!I mean,wait I came because I wanted to say tha-"before Gaia could finish her sentence Will looked over to see an unusual girl standing by the camps gates,

"Who's that?"He pointed his finger gaining their attention,a girl was slowly moving through the protective shield before the gates.Her hands were tightly holding on to something bright but small like a stone,but she didn't look like one of the elements, this could be a problem.

Aqua quickly jogged to the girl and faced her with a scowl on his face,he looked at her with an eyebrow raised studying her carefully,"Did you get lost?"he asked like she was a five year old lost in a supermarket,even though Amber was seventeen she was pretty small for her age.

The girls large eyes stared at him with fear,he was much taller then her,her head only reaching his chin.Her voice disappeared as a large crowd formed around the two,he was shocked at the different types of people,some with green hair,some with pink skin.But she was even more gob smacked at the bow and arrows and arrows they were holding.She cleared her throat watching everyone glare at the unusual girl in their camp,

"I'm not lost,I came here for a reason,"her voice came out louder then she expected,Aquas eyebrow raised as he heard her speak,"Don't you have parents?"he ran a hand through his hair causing all of the girls knees to feel weak,the girl looked up at him hating his questions,"I left home before my dad could find me and I don't know where my mum is,"she shrugged her shoulders still looking up at Aqua.

Aqua stared at her like she was a star who had fallen from the sky,someone from the crowd spoke out asking her how she had found her way,"This stone my mother gave me,it helped me through the journey,"She held the strange rock tightly turning her knuckles pale white,she rolled her eyes at everyone hating their stares,"My names Amber,"She snapped at them answering the question roaming around in their heads.

Aqua looked at her trying to listen to her words,"So,who's your mum?"his answer caused her face to fall deep in thought,"Windy,Windy Blaze."she answered causing the crowd to gasp in shock.

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