From dark to light

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Amber flicked her wrists trying to create flames but nothing happened,she stepped closer to Aqua trying to feel someone's presence."what are you doing,"Aqua whispered,Amber could feel her cheeks burn up but of course Aqua couldn't see.She stepped away her feet making a rustling noise,"don't you have the flames,"Aqua asked,"No,I can't get them to come back again,"Aqua drew a deep breath and ran his hand through hi hair,"what about your stone?"Amber felt the amulet which was hanging from her neck throb,it had been throbbing ever since they had entered the cave.She slowly touched it with the tip of her fingers lightly,a rush of light escaped the amulet as she touched it.She stepped back watching the room illuminate with colour,she stared at the large room in front of her.

The entire room was either brown or black,the stone walls where black with dust and webs weaving through the cracks.There seemed to be black,marble pillars going around the cave steading the crumbling ceiling up,the floor was muddy and stuck to Aquas shoes as he walked.There where shelves with tools and nails,Aqua squinted his eyes as he noticed a curtain draping at the back,it was radiating a golden light.He started moving but Amber put her hand across his chest,"can I go first?"he nodded allowing Amber to walk in front of him towards the curtains,he followed her walking slowly in an easy pace.Amber touched the curtain slowly then hesitated,"what's wrong,"he asked,he heard her sigh deeply,"what if she's not how I imagined her?she could be different,she might think I'm- I'm not worthy enough," Amber covered her face with her hands and through herself towards Aqua catching him by surprise,the smell of her hair was sweet like apples and lingered in the air.Aqua rapped his arms around her trying to comfort her,she was sniffling and giving out small sobs,"you don't need to worry,you can't just give up now.You've done everything you can to get here, and you think you're not good enough?Well I'll tell you something even if she thinks your not good enough there are many people at there that think you are,"Amber looked up,her wide eyes where shinning up at Aqua.He could see the golden and green specks shine at him,she smiled at him and hugged him tight,"thanks,"laughter broke the sweet moment that they where in,"how sweet,young love,"

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