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Aqua had been wondering about the girl that came into the camp, the way she had tried hiding her fear by acting tough when really she was trembling with anxiety,"Amber Blaze"is all he could hear it seemed like he knew that name, that face those big hazel eyes-
"AQUA!"Will was shaking Aqua rapidly with his hands,"Watch out Aqua that earthling was about to get you!"Will was wearing his brown grey gear with a sharp dagger in his hands on the handle it said "Wind"
"Dude you found your dagger!"
"Yeah I did I found it on my toilet seat,"Will sliced an earthlings head of "eeeww gross!" Aqua shouted.He ran up to the tower and killed 2 fire demons at once with his water sword " umm Aqua I was wondering if you-" the whistle was heard from above training was over,Aqua ran up to the couch and gave him the sword back " next time bring your sword waters" Aqua slowly moved back to his element house he saw a crowd of people around the unknown house "must be the new girl" he thought.For some reason he felt like going there and helping the girl of course it wasn't because he liked her it was just because it was the new girl and she needed guidance,he slowly marched to the unknown house and saw that Amber hair again "Amber Blaze" he thought.It seemed like people where pushing Amber outside,
"Wow guys what's happening?"he saw sady tornado move forward she looked decent today with a black top with a purple tornado, "Oh this we where just-helping Amber"Amber slowly backed away and she looked at Aqua those Hazel eyes- "I didn't do anything I just-"Amber was forcefully pushed into the house,"don't worry Aqua will show her around maybe we should-" Aqua slowly turned around and saw Gaia ,here we go again,"Aqua the adviser said you should give Amber a tour." Cool I can show her who's big around here,he opened the door and called Amber.She slowly looked up she was in the middle of the room looking at the mirror it was packed in the house,"Have they found my symbol?"
People around the room giggled causing Amber to blush she looked scared well Aqua was wrong,"What's so funny?Why are you laughing I'll show you what you what to laugh about when your face is black and blue!"Aqua saw something that he never saw before Ambers Iris's where burning with flames in them but it was only a quick flash,a trick of the light.Amber covered her mouth she was blushing again everyone went silent,"Let's go Amber," called Aqua.

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