Chapter 35

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        They've left me alone. I'm wrapped up in the warm blankets on the bed as I watch a movie on Netflix. I can't pay attention to what is going on during the movie. I keep replaying all the events of the past week. Then I remember his letter. He had written something on the bottom.

            I open the nightstand table drawer. It's lying on top and I quickly pick it up. As I unfold it, my heart starts racing. I don't know why but I'm nervous. I want to be done with him but there's something inside of me telling me I still love him and need to find him. I'm so confused right now.

            I scan the letter until a sentence at the bottom catches my eye.

P.S. Don't forget my hoodie

            My eyes float around the room looking for his hoodie. One of the sleeves is hanging out from under the opening flap on my suitcase. I throw the blankets off of me and quickly run to get to my suitcase.

        There, on top, is laying his gray hoodie that I've had since before we left California.

        I know there has to be some reason he decided to remind me of that. For some reason, he wanted me to get his hoodie. 

        The pocket.

        I rummage through it until I come across a folded piece of paper. I unfold it to find a note.

Dear Becca, 

Go to my emailand check it. He told me some of the plan I would be involved in. Get some help and try to come and find me. My laptop password is Our2ndlife.

I really do love you.


        His email? There's a conversation between them?

        He stays longed in on his latop. He left all of his stuff in his room.

        I spring out of bed and sprint to the door. After slinging open the door, I runn down the hall to his room. My balled up fist bang on the door as hard, loud, and fast as possible. Someone opened he door but I didn't stop long enough to see who. I run in. On the table, infront of me, I see his laptop. I quickly turn it on and find it locked. I pull the note from my pocket to get the password.

        As soon as it is fully loaded, I click the safari and went to It felt like it took forever to load. Finally, it did. There where 32 emails between Ricky and a random email, I click on them to find the last ones telling him in detail about the plan. I scroll through and start reading some.

        "What is that?" I heard a voice behind me.  When I turn around, I find Jackson standing right behind me with his eyes locked on the screen. Agent Blackery and Ashton are also in the room. Agent Blackery steps closer and begins reading the conversation on the screen.

        Then it all began happening so fast. The next thing i know he was on the phone mkaing plans for backup and to find Ricky. The truth is, the thought of getting him back, it brings butterflies to my stop and makes my heart start racing like a Kentucky derby race horse.

        I say I don't care anymore, but truth is, I care too much. Even after all of this chaos, Ricky knowing all along and then leaving me heartbroken to sacrifice himself, if I could be with anyone, I would still choose him.

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