Chapter 18

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When I say my mom/dad in this chapter I'm talking about her foster parents.

This talk was not gonna be easy at all. She'll understand but she won't want me to do it. I stand on the steps for a while trying to work up the courage to go in. My heart is beating out of my chest. I need to reach toward, open the door, and walk in but my arms and legs will not move. I sign and force them to move.

When I open the door, the house sounds like it normally does. I can hear my Foster dad in his office to my left. The sound of typing and his faint voice tells me the he is on a work call. The sound of the TV to my right is coming from the living room. From where I stand, I can see my Foster mom laying across the couch. From upstairs the sounds of my brothers music and video games can be heard. I walk into the living room and lay my board up against the wall.

"Mom, we need to talk," I say calmly. She sits up on the couch and turns off the TV.

"OK," She says after a yawn. I sit in the chair next to the couch.

"You remember what we talked about, about how I need to go into hiding for a while?" She looks at me and nods her head. "Well I have a plan," She signs.


"Wait," I say firmly cutting her off. "Just let me talk," I wait for Her to nod Her head for me to continue.

"The guy I have been hanging out with, Ricky, is going to help me. His parents live in Alabama. I'm going with him in two days to his parents house. We will be gone for three weeks. His parents are-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Wait. your going with some guy you just met a month ago and your going half way across the country?"

"Actually, we meet about a month and a half ago." I sat getting a little mad.

"Me and your dad haven't met him yet so no, No, NO!" She was beginning to yell.

"But mom-" I yell back.

"No." She raised her eyebrows at me. My body fills with anger, devastation, and pure disgust. That is just vile!

"If you meet him tomorrow night..." I trail off waiting for my foster mom to answer me. I didn't realize until now how tense I have become.

"Maybe," My shoulders drop in releif and my whole body becomes relaxed. I grab my board and start to walk out the room. When I reach the foot of the stairs, I hear my foster mom in the living room. "I'm doing this for your own good," I walk back to the doorway of the living room.

"Me leaving will be better and safer for everyone," I turn around and walk up the stairs. IO go straight to my room and slam the door. After crashing on my bed, i pull my phone. 

Me: you have to meet my foster parents tomorrow.

Rickyyyy: yay :/

Me: it wont be that bad

Rickyyyy: thats what you think

Me: goodnight ricky :D

Rickyyyy: goodnight becca :D

It isn't really that late but I am really tired. I haven't realized how tired until I lay my head on my pillow and fall asleep quickly.

Ricky's Point-Of-View

Me: goodnight becca :D

I look at the time to see its not even nine yet. She must really be tired.

"Why you smiling so big?" Kian asks looking up from his laptop. I haven't realized I was smiling. I guess Becca has that affect on me.

"Nothing," I say back hoping he'll drop the subject.

"I bet it's that Becca girl," JC says from Kian's bed. I can feel my checks turning red.

"It's nothing," I say getting up and starting to walk out. 

"It's not a bad thing if it is her," Kian yells before I open my door.

"Goodnight," I yell back as I open my bedroom door. I'm not tired but I'll do anything to get them off my back about this. I crawl under my sheets after turning off all the lights. I can at least try to get some sleep. I probaly won't do to how nervous I am about tomorrow. 

This will be one of the hardest things I've ever done. Meeting a girls parents is never easy. If they don't like me I may go insane. I don't want to loose her.

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