Chapter 21

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We drove for what felt like weeks. I had fallen asleep against Ricky’s shoulder not long after that talk. When I wake up, I look at the clock and notice it is already 7:00 the next morning. I look around and find the only person asleep is Jason. But I also notice that Jackson is no longer driving. Instead, Ashton is sitting behind the wheel. He pulls over into a parking lot of a gas station. He hits and big pot hole and Jason shoots awake.

            “Bathroom, food, and gas break.” Ashton says as he unbuckles. “Don’t take too long because we don’t have time to waste. We aren’t stopping again until we hit the Alabama border. Then we are only stopping long enough for Ricky to get in the front seat to take over.”

Ricky, Jackson, and I are the only ones that go inside. While raiding the chips aisle, Ricky walks up next to me. I look up at his face but I have the hardest time trying to figure out what he is feeling. His face is only showing interest for the rows of chips in front of him. But I know there has to be many things spinning around in his head.

“Are you mad?” I ask looking him in the eyes causing him to look right back into mine.

“A little,” He says honestly looking bad at the rack. “But I’m not mad at you cause I’m too mad at that dick of a father you having trying to catch you to try to even be mad at you. At first, I was disappointed that you kept that from me but as I think of it more and more I realize why you never told me.”

“Well then why?” I ask calmly truly wanting to know.

“Because underneath all the toughness you display is a hurting girl who is scared of what will happen when people know. You’re scared that someone will hurt you again and I have a feeling not just physically like your dad did. Someone hurt you emotionally and that was almost as bad and you try not to have to relive that again by tucking away that secret and not letting it be exposed to anyone.” He says grabbing a bag of chips. He walks over to the coke coolers and grabs a bottle before walking up to pay. I follow closely behind him.

“You know a lot more than I thought,” I say as I walk next to him back to the SUV. As he holds the door open for me with a surprised look, I slide back in then I toss Jason the bag of chips I bought for him. Shortly after Ashton got back in the driver’s seat Jackson came out the building and climbed back into the passenger seat.

As the country side passes by us, I come to the conclusion that letting Ricky know about my past is probably not as bad as I thought it would be. He took the news better than I thought he would. I knew for sure that when I told him he would run away like some have before.

That emotional pain Ricky was talking about, I have felt that before. It hurt as bad as my dad’s punches and beating. It was one of the reasons that I have no friends and try to not get close to anyone. Once you feel that, it leaves a scar. It’s a scar that you will always have.

It will haunt you every day in everything you do and everything you plan on doing. It haunts you worse than the burden you may have about something you did wrong. When you do something wrong, you can apologize and all bad feeling leave you and you can go back to living your life. But the scar is nowhere near that easy to get rid of. It’s far from easy.

With this problem, you or someone else can’t just apologize and everything be okay. With this, you can’t just go and live everyday acting like nothing happened. With this, you can’t just walk around like you are not hurt. You are hurt and something did happen and nothing will ever be the same.

You’ll live with a constant fear just like I do every day.


The whole ride to Alabama was quiet. Everyone was too lost in their own thoughts to even try to talk with anyone. I’m not a mind reader and no one has said anything, yet I still know what they are all thinking. It’s not hard to figure out. It’s pretty obvious.

“I need everyone’s phones,” Jackson says turning around in his seat to look at us. Jason and I toss our phones to him but Ricky is every hesitant. It’s not a secret that he had a strong bond with his phone nd probably couldn’t go a day without it. “I’m gonna make them untrack able. The cops showed us his trick when we adopted her. They knew that eventually they would have to release her father so they showed us this trick so we can go under the radar and him not track us.”

“But why would they do that when yall could easily do something illegal and disappear and they not be able to track you.”

They will still be able to but he won’t,” Jason says as Jackson hands him his phone back. He locks it and outs it in his pocket. After unlocking it, Ricky hands his phone to Jackson.

“One more thing,” Jackson says as he finishes with Ricky’s phone and hands it back to him. “You have to stay offline. No Twitter, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, Facebook, or any other social media that you have.”

I could tell by the look on Ricky’s face that he did not like that and that it would be hard for him to do. But I also knew that if he truly cared about our safety he would do anything he could to keep my dad from finding him.


            When we reach the Alabama border, we only stop for less than a minute. Once we start back, Ricky is in the driver’s seat and Ashton is occupying the seat to my left were Ricky was before.

            Everything about this situation clouds my brain. I never thought in a million years that we would be on the run trying to get away from my dad. That horrible night when my mom died and we were all separated, I figured that I would never see any of my family again.

            All my life after that, I vowed to never show my feeling and never get close with anyone. The only people that ever got told about my past were families that came and considered adopting me. But even then I never told them; it was always my adoption agent. They would always leave after that and I would never have to face them again.

            But when Ricky found out, I had to face him. I saw rage, anger, worried, hatred and most of all, compassion. I could tell that all the negative feeling were towards my dad. For only a second time in my life, the first being my adoption, someone showed compassion towards me and I didn’t have to feel that rejection that I have felt so many time before.

            Ashton’s phone ringing next to me brought me back to reality. After noticing mom’s number, he hits the accept button and places it next to his ear.

            “Hello…yeah…Alabama…no troubles yet…okay…bye,” He hung up and slid his phone back into his pocket.

            “That was mom. She said they are on their way to New York City. They’ve talked to the cops and they all decided that they needed to get Jesse and then they would meet us in a hideout in Miami.” He tells us all this but when spoke about Jesse he directed his words more towards me.

            There was no denying that we had that twin bond. We always have and always will.

            Getting the news about her was just what I needed to make me at least a little happier.

            After all, I was going to be reunited with my twin sister. How could I not be happy?

I’m so excited!

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Just saw that I have over 600 reads! I’m happier than Thor when he got Mjelnor back!

Happy 4th!!! (If you’re not American than Happy Friday!!!)

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