Chapter 26

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"Where is he?" I ask turning around to face Agent Blackery. He holds his hand out in front of a chair telling me to take a seat.

I don't want to sit! I just want to know where my brother is dang it!

"You do realize that just because we know where he is doesn't mean we can go get him?" He asks stalling. I don't care; I just want to know where he is.

"Just tell me," I say harshly trying to keep calm. He keeps reminding me every second of the way why I hate the FBI.

"Timothy is in Russia," He says after a sigh. My eyebrows furrow together in confusion. When I look over at Jesse, she has the same expression. "He was sent to a Russian orphanage when he was 14 because he had run away from all of them here in the states so we sent him there. When he was 15 he was adopted by a young couple that was unable to have kids."

"Why can't you bring him back to the states? Our dad is a monster. If he finds out where Timothy is, you can bet your sorry butt that he will go after him."

"He's not 18. With that said, we have to have the legal guardian's permission. We have asked and they said no. There's nothing we can do until he is legal."

"What you mean is there is nothing you want to do," I say. I walk out the room. I don't know where I'm going; I just want away from him. I find an empty room at the opposite end of the house.

It reminds me so much of my old room; the one I had when I was ten, when my mom was still alive and I was still able to spend every day with my siblings. It was always a place that brought me happiness. Jesse and I would go in there and lock the door. Our imaginations would take us any place we wanted to go. We went everywhere; as long as we could escape dad.

Several minutes of silence surrounded me. Light footsteps brought that peacefulness. I knew them footsteps. Even after ten years, they are the same. When I focus my attention to the door, I'm not surprised to find Jesse.

"You're still sassy as ever," Jesse says smirking and taking the spot next to me. She sits down in the same position as me; her legs crossed like a little kid.

"You still walk the same way," I say smirking back.

"So I walk a special walk?" She asks chuckling.

"You take each step very softly and carefully; like you are afraid that if you step too hard, the floor beneath you will crumble."

"It has always amazed me how much you pay attention to detail," There was long moment of silence before she spoke up again. "So which one of those guys is your boyfriend?"

"None," I say even though I was that wasn't true. "Three of them are my foster brothers; Jackson, Ashton, and Jason. Then there's Ricky. Ricky is a friend."

"Just a friend?" She asks making me nod. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I say quickly. "After all of this, I don't know if he would still want to go out with me." I whisper.

"Still want to go out with you?" Jesse asks raising an eyebrow.

"He may have asked me out on a date." Her face lights up like a kid at Christmas. "But it was cancelled."

"You have to tell me everything!" She yells like a little girl.

So I tell her everything.

I tell her everything starting with when we first met behind that hotel. I told everything that he has ever said or done to me. I left nothing out and the more I talked the bigger both of our smiles grew.

It felt really nice just to sit and talk with her. We didn't have to worry about dad busting in and beating the living shit out of us. We didn't have to worry about him upsetting Timothy and running to rescue him.

In that moment, sitting in that empty room with Jesse in the FBI safe house, I didn't have to care or worry about anything.

But I did.

There's one black haired, blue eyed boy that will never leave my mind.

No matter how hard I try, Timothy seems to always creep into my head.

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