Chapter 25

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After Ashton called the FBI again, we were told to meet them in Atlanta, Georgia. It went by rather slowly but now we are in Atlanta. We arrive in a vacant alleyway were a black SUV, similar to ours, is parked. When we get out, Jackson leads us. Ricky is to my right and Jason is on my left. Ashton is behind me. I'm completely surround and we are all ready to pull our guns if incase we are being tricked.

A tall man with untamed hair climbs out of the SUV. His body is built much like Jackson's. He has broad shoulders and arms bigger than cobras. His height was about 6'1" which towered over me. His dark brown hair matched his lightly tanned skin. He had that appearance that made girls swoon over him.

He carried himself with confidence. His head was held high and he had the tough guy attitude that worked well with his job. But like every tough person, there is a weak spot, a delicate under-belly. They're easy for me to find and they're even easier to attack.

"Jackson Shaw?" He asks meeting Jackson intense gaze and not letting go.

"Depends," Jackson says holding up a wall and not letting him in until he is sure is safe. "Who are you?"

"The agent you talked to," The unidentified man crosses his arms across his chest. "I'm someone you can trust and someone that can help you."

"There aren't many people that I can trust. What makes you different?" Jackson crosses his arms over his chest while staring hard into the man's eyes.

"The boy" He looks over at me with a hard stare and my eyebrows furrow together.

"What boy?" Jackson asks looking at the man but didn't return the stare.

"Just a boy who really misses his twin sisters and wants to see them," He shrugged like it was one big deal.


"Where is he?" I ask quickly. He shrugs and realizes that his plan to get us to trust him worked.

"I can only tell Rebecca and Jackson Shaw," He knows that I want to know and he is taking that to his advantage.

"Tell us who you are," Jackson demands.

"Agent Blackery" He says finally looking back at Jackson. "And you are?" We all know he knows who we are but he is asking out of kindness.

"Jackson Shaw" Agent Blackery turns his attention back to me.

"Rebecca Shaw," I say. "Please tell me he is okay." I plead wanting to know anything and everything he knows. He looks around as if he feels like he is being watched.

"Not here," He says looking back at me. "But I will tell you." He pauses for a moment before adding, "At the safe house." He climbs back into his vehicle as we climb back into ours.

Jackson pulls into the drive way of a house on the outskirts of Miami. My foster mom's white Range Rover is parked close to the door. Both of the black GMCs pull in behind it. Not only does Agent Blackery get out of the vehicle in front of us but so does three other men. Their body build leads me to the conclusion that they are agents.

As we approach the steps, it hits me that behind those doors, my little sister is standing there waiting, probably impatiently, for me to walk through that door. My heart is pounding so much that it makes a caged animal seem calm. It hasn't even been a full ten years but it feels like a lifetime.

Agent Blackery is the first to open the door and walk into the house. My foster mom pushes him out the way trying to get to her four babies standing between the men in black. After hugging Jackson and Ashton, she engulfs me before she reaches Jason.

"Where is she?" I ask softly in her ear. She steps back and so does everyone else. It was like one of those scenes in the movies were someone goes running into someone else's arms because that's exactly what I did. As soon as I laid my eyes on her, I ran as fast as my legs could take me and forced her into a bone crushing hug. She hugged back just as soon as I got my arms around her.

It feels so amazing that it's almost like a dream.

She looks just like always. Her black hair with brown die dyed ends stopped right below her chest. Her normally bright green eyes were dulled down from worry but still beautiful. It was almost looking at my reflection but I wasn't. I was looking at Jesse.

I don't want to let her go.

So I hold on tight, not wanting to loosen my grip in case she fades away.

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