Chapter 24

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The past events flood my mind as we make our way away from Ricky's house and out the city limits. It happened so fast that it was hard to comprehend. One minute I'm sitting on his sister's bed and the next we are running out the house.

"Come on! We need to go!" Jason yelled as he made his way to Ricky's room. Ricky tossed the duffle bag he packed on his shoulder and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me down the stairs as we followed closely behind Jason. He only let go of my hand long enough to check if his gun had bullets in it and then quickly took hold of me again. Jason carefully opened the door with his gun ready and we begin to walk out but are stopped by Ricky's mom.

"Ricky, where are yall going?" She asked with a puzzled and scared look. It's obvious she saw the guns. How could she not?

"Mom, I can't tell you. Stay home and don't open the door for anybody. Don't answer the phone unless it's me. Do you understand?" In the past 24 hours, I'd never heard his tone so demanding towards his mom.

"Tell me what's going on. Is everything okay?" She pleaded. You could take one look at her and tell she was getting worried and the fact that her son was involved in something that she couldn't know about made her scared.

"I can't tell you," He said firmly. "Just promise me you'll do what I said." She nodded her head and after a quick kiss to her forehead and an 'I love you', we were gone.

As we got in the SUV, I noticed that Ashton was almost yelling at someone on the phone. I could only register some of what he was saying. I couldn't tell much but I could tell he was talking to someone about our predicament.

We've only been driving for about 15 minutes and Ashton is still engaged in a heat phone call but I decided to tune him out. As I look around, Ricky catches my eye. He is looking at his phone. There are several texts from the boys asking if everything is okay. He locks his phone and places it in his pocket. I raise an eyebrow at him when he looks over at me.

"What?" He asks not hiding the worry in his voice.

"How are you and what did you do with my Ricky?"

"Your Ricky?"

"Yes. The one that jumps to text his friends but and hardly ever puts is phone down."

"Well, things change when you're running from a psycho and trying to protect a girl you really care about." The way he was able to say that so causally shocked me. "Feelings change." He says so softly that I could barely hear him.

"What kinda of feelings?" I ask hesitantly. I've never fallen for anyone before and now that I have I'm scared. What if his feelings for me have changed and he don't feel like he used to. It would make complete sense after what I have put him through. Maybe his earlier statement was just to be nice.

"The feelings I have for you," His eyes bore into mine and my heart starts trying to beat itself out of my chest. "Through all of this, they have grown stronger. I don't know how and I'm not gonna make up some kind of cheesy excuse either. All I know is that I really, really, really, like you." And cue my heart melting.

"I don't like cheesy," I say simply with a small smile. Really, Rebecca? Is that the best you can do? He smiles back at me and I just want to slap that smile off of him. Does he not realize what that does to me? Or does he and he is doing to on purpose?

"They're gonna send someone and we have to meet them outside of Alabama. I'm supposed to call when we get close to the border so they can tell us where," Ashton says to Jackson after he hangs up.

"Who is sending someone?" I ask even though they probably really don't want me to know.

"The FBI," Ashton says looking back at me. He hesitated to answer like he was scared or something. No, I'm not a bid person of the feds. They're the whole reason why me and my siblings were separated. If they gave a damn about us, they won't have split us up. I didn't say anything. All I did was prop my right elbow with my left hand and bite on my finger nail. It's a bad habit I do when I'm mad and trying not to say something I'll regret.

"I know you don't really like the feds but they are gonna help. They can help arrest him if he gets anywhere close to you or Jesse. You know he has boundaries and if he crosses them they can arrest him. They are only trying to help." Jackson says looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have to travel across the country to meet my sister in hiding. If they had done their job in the first place we could already be hiding or out of the country." I am so close to yelling. I've been angry at the FBI since that night and he knows that.

"They had a reason. They were doing it for your safety. They do care," Ashton says softly trying not to make me angrier than I already am.

"They don't give a dang about me of my safety!" I yell causing Ashton to look down at his hands. "Tell me something. If they cared, then why the heck is it that I haven't seen my sister for almost ten freaking years! Huh? Why do I not know where my brother is, let alone if he is alive? So save me the pep talk about bull that's not true! They don't care!" My voice cracks at the end. I'm furious and my hate for the FBI is growing the more I think about it.

The rest of the car ride is quiet. No one dares to say anything. They all know that I'm angry and they know what's best for them.

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