Chapter 27

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The walls of this building were so old that I felt like they were gonna fall in on me. The window wouldn't shut completely causing the cold December wind to flood into my room. A white paper thin blanket was all I got to sleep under.

I was all alone in the room. They separated us just a few hours ago. I was placed in this death trap alone. I am the only one in this room. I knew no one and I didn't want to know anyone.

I could hear ear aching screams coming from down the hall. A bed in the room next to me was squeaking from the little boy thrashing in his sleep.

I was cold and alone. I just wanted to go home.

"Rebecca," I heard someone firmly say as their hands latched onto my shoulders. I jump awake to find Ricky looking down at me with worried eyes. "Becca, are you okay? You were thrashing around like you were scared."

I looked deep into his eyes searching his emotions. I find them filled with worry. He stares back at me with his hands still on my shoulders waiting for my answer.

"Uh," I look around the room with furrowed eyebrows to figure out where I'm at. "Yeah, I'm fine," I give him a reassuring nod. He nods back before letting me go and getting up. He begins to walk to the door to leave me alone.

I don't want to be alone.

"Ricky, wait," I blurt out not stopping my tongue from saying what my heart wants. "Could you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone."

He hesitates before making his way back into the room. I hand him a pillow and he grabs the spare blanket from a chair across the room. It takes only a few minutes for him to get comfortable in the floor, or as comfortable as you can get.

There was a minute or two of silence before it was shattered by Ricky's voice.



"Can I ask you something?"


"If or when this all settles down, would you like to try that date again?" I can't help but smile like an idiot. Even after everything that has happened, he still shows interest in me.

"Yeah, I would like that," I reply back.

"Good cause last time I didn't have enough time to swoon you," He chuckles.

"What are you trying to say Mister Dillon?" I tease. "Do you think I'm easy to swoon?"

"You can't blame a guy for trying," I quietly laugh at that before we make or way back into a comfortable silence. I lean my head over the edge of the bed to look at him.

"Ricky?" He looks in my direction at the sound of my voice. From the moonlight seeping through the curtains, I can see him raise his eyebrows at me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Did I just get us started in a game of 20 questions?" he asks showing his pearly whites. I laugh while shaking my head no.

"Why are you still being so incredibly nice to me? After all I've put you through; taking you away from your friends, having you lie to everyone you care about, and putting yourself at a risk of being killed, you still treat me like I'm some queen or goddess. You help me take my mind off this; you make me happy and feel like everything is going to be okay and that I'll get through this."

"I really like you. I know I don't know everything about you but I want to. I don't care how bad it is," Ricky says staring hard at the ceiling. "I don't know what it is, but there's something about you that makes me want to stay and know everything about you."


"Color?" Ricky asks.

"Orange," I say to which he raises an eyebrow to. "Like a sunset orange; not really bright but not dark and boring."

"Music type?" he asks after taking a moment to think about it.

"Rock and a little bit of Pop," I say without having to think about it. "Some Nickleback, Green Day, and Superchick with Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran."

"Ed Sheeran?" Ricky raises his eyebrow at me. "I never pegged you for an Ed Sheeran girl."

"Yeah, well, I do have a few soft spots. I'm only human so chill out." He nods his head and shrugs his shoulders in agreement.

"Favorite food"

"Oh, that's a tough one," I tap my finger on my chin as I sit and think for a moment. "Can I just say my favorite type of food?"

"Well, I guess since you want to make this complicated," He teases causing me to jokingly punch him in the arm making him fall on the floor laughing.

"Mexican; Now what about you?" I ask.

"Blue; A lot; Panera," He says still smiling wide from laughing.

"Panera?! Really?!" I yell causing him to laugh even more. "You gave me shit about 'making this complicated'," I do the little air quotes with my fingers making him laugh more. "Then you do practically the same thing!"

I start slapping his arm but he takes me by surprise when he pins me down tickling me. After wiggling out of his grip, I stand up and begin running away. I didn't make it far before he snaked his arms around my waist and picking me up. It really was one of those cliché movie moments but I was enjoying every bit of it.

It was no lie that I had fallen for him. He makes me so happy. I don't even think happy is enough to describe how he makes me feels.

There was this burning desire to want to spend every waking moment with him. There's no one I'd rather be with.

He's changed me for the better.

Before I met him, I hated the world. I felt like it was all my fault that my mom was died. Sometimes I still feel that way. But when I'm with Ricky, everything is different. I can't find a reason to hate everyone and everything. He gives me a reason to be happy and, yes, I know that sounds like it came from some cliché romantic movie but isn't that what it's supposed to be like.

If you had of asked me three months ago if I ever thought this would have happened, I would have said no. Though, now that it has, there's nothing else I would want it to be.

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