Part 3

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Next day,

At Shantivan, all were gathered to have the breakfast; there comes a ringing sound of the door bell, all were thinking who can be at this hour while HP went to open the door and as he opened the door he was completely surprised and with a pleasant smile he welcomed inside the couple who were at door with a wide smile.

"Arey, Anjali didi, jijaji, you? Please come, come." asked HP completely in a surprised tone

"How are you Hari Prakashji?" asked Anjali while coming in.

"I'm very good didi. How are you both?"

"You can see how we are" replied Shyam smiling at him.

Smiling at them HP shouted" Naniji, Arnav bhaiyya, see who has come?"

After hearing the excited and surprised tone of HP, everyone went to see who has come? As they reached the couple and the little princess, everyone stilled for some time then first Arnav went to Anjali and hugged her then Shyam and then took his love (Dia) in his arms. The couple took the blessing of all the elders and hugged them and went to have breakfast after a little talk and continued at the dining table.

Anjali came back after one month staying in US. She went there just to complete some formalities and came back without informing anyone not even Arnav. Everyone knows that she will be coming back soon but didn't thought that she will be coming after a month.

After having breakfast all went to the living area and settled there, where Arnav, Akash, NK, Lavanya, Aman and Sheetal were with Dia seated in a curved sofa set which is the capacity of 10 persons, opposite to them Anjaji, nani, mami sat in on sofa and the other two men seated in the two single seated sofa. While all were having breakfast the Akash informed his friends about Anjali's arrival and in next few moments they were all in Shantivan.

"So tell us why you both didn't inform yesterday when we were talking via phone call?" started nani and all focused on Anjali because when they were talking she didn't even once mentioned about their arrival.

"Actually naniji, I told her to inform you all people about our arrival but she said that this time wanted to give a surprised and by seeing her cute pout no one say no to her" replied Shyam smiling at Anjali.

"Hawww!!! Why are you putting the blame on me? You were the one who asked me not to inform them and coming to the pout who were the one who pouted and you very well know that I can't say no to you when you pouted" Anjali countered Shyam but others were giggling at her complaint.

 Unknowingly she uttered that she can't say no to her hubby and this statement of her caught the attention of the young gang present there. They looked at each other at once before talking or commenting, "Dia, my princess how you feel when your mamma and papa have a cute fight? Don't you feel like there are kids and they need to join school?" commented NK who loved to watch their fight and tease and Dia was giggling while NK talking with as she was not understanding what he was saying. Anjali threw a cushion which she was holding and said

"What do you think NK bhai that Dia will be enjoying our fight? No. she always support her mamma. Right Dia?" asked Dia who was enjoying all the others attention on her and smiles.

"See, she supports me" said Anjali by seeing Dia's wide smile. Whenever anyone talks with Dia with a smile she smiles widely.

"In your dreams Rani Saiba, she is my daughter, my princess; she will always support me, her papa. Right Dia?" Shyam countered Anjali.

Everyone were enjoying their fight and while hiding their smiles. There was a moment where no one couldn't able to control their laugh and that was when Shyam said that she is his princess and support him she went to Arnav and kissed his cheek as if saying that she is his princess. Mostly she stayed with Arnav before going to US.

Everyone was like AWW when they saw Arnav and Dia together.

Then Arnav said "Now stop staring at us and you two don't fight in front of my princess. There will be a bad impact on her" (in a ASR tone) he stood up and gave Dia to nani then added "don't even do romance in front of her" said winking at his friends and started running towards the door as they were getting late. Anjali was not able to believe that did chote really tease me? Because he is the one who always support and never teased her (this is what she thinks) and after coming out of the trance she throw the cushions on them but they all left by the time she comes out of the trance.

Remaining all left to their rooms to rest and Anjali and Shyam were hugging each other as soon as they entered their room and started laughing.

"I really missed them Shyamji and all this fun everything" said Anjali.

"Me too Anjali but what to do, I can't leave the work and stay here or I can't stay without you. So we need to be in US. Now you are going to stay here for 3 months, right? Then just live it. Don't worry about tomorrow and waste the time."

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