Part 30

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Arnav was far away from the sleep though it was late night, after thinking a lot he came to a conclusion and smiling to himself he slept thinking about tomorrow...

Next day,
He went to office and declared that it's high time to take get his place, his motherland, his hometown, his home. So he quickly completed with all the meetings and also gave the responsibilities of that branch to its manager and then left to GD and did the same. After rechecking everything he asked his manager about the flight timings and got to know that his flight is in next 1hr. he thanked God for the timings because,

1. If he catches this flight then he will be able to be in Shantivan before the ring ceremony starts.

2. His office is just 20min away from the airport.

He ordered one of his servants to bring his packed bags to the airport directly and left for the airport in exactly 20min and in next 10min he found his servant with his luggage. After bidding them he boarded the flight and here he is, within his calculation of timings...

He didn't inform anyone and directly entered in the house and from the door he was checking whom he is going to surprise first but suddenly Khushi came and started dancing slowly on
the tune and when the beat came he saw Sheetal, Payal joining her and then they were joined by Aman and Akash dancing on the songs.

He was totally mesmerized by seeing Khushi in the red and green lehenga looking breath taking and was lost in her beauty but came to his sense when he saw she is coming in his direction (he came to the second row of the crowd by the time) turning and suddenly she banged with him and was about to fall but before that could happen he held her by her waist. He closed her eyes tightly anticipating that she is going to hit the hard surface of floor but when she didn't feel anything like that she opened her eyes and that it he lost for few seconds but seeing the expressions changing from shock to surprise he smirked and said "Tum abhi tak thik se chalna seekha nahi kya, Khushi?"

He saw her staring at him as if thinking something, she is thinking what does he meant by what he said/asked her and as if he read her thoughts he said with smirk, "3 years back too you use to fall and I held you always but I didn't knew that you didn't learn doing things without falling..." after hearing him out, her eyes went wide and her nose became red due to the anger and glaring at him for commenting her like that. All this while she was still in his hold and he too didn't leave her, in fact, he is enjoying this but it didn't longed as Khushi pushed angrily for commenting her stood up yet so close to each other but what they didn't notice is that they both being watched by all their family members and the guests.

All are surprised to see him here as he didn't inform anything about his arrival but seems like no one is interested in disturbing them as they were looking perfect together. All the guests seeing them felt the same what the family members felt. NK was the first one to come out from that state and came to them.

NK clearing his throat : Hey, Arnav!!! But seems like Arnav all lost in Khushi didn't realize that someone came to them and called him. NK shakes him and this helped NK in bringing back Arnav from the lost state. Now this is the moment where Arnav and Khushi realized that they have been watched all this while and got embarrassed, Khushi turned into completely red when realized how close they were to each other.

To make them normal NK said : Arnav, you didn't even informed me when you made a call this morning. This is not fare.

Arnav : NK, I just wanted to give a surprise to you all by coming here without informing anyone.
By the time rest of the family came to him and started hugging him and got emotional seeing him after 3 long years...

Shashi to make them realize what today is so said : NK, if you don't want to engage then we can stop this ceremony, just need your confirmation, that's it.

Raghav (NK's father) : NK, is it? Are you planning to break this engagement?

Adithya (Lavanya's father) : NK, I didn't knew that you can do this? How could you?

These three men didn't give any chance to NK and teased him and all the others were just enjoying his expressions.

Lavanya : NK, how could you do this? How can to think of breaking the enga... before she could complete her drama, NK took her hand and putted on the ring to Lavanya snatching from Anjali's hand.

All had a hearty laugh on seeing NK and his facial expressions.

NK : baby, I don't have any plans of breaking this engagement. I'm serious, trust me.

Seeing NK Lavanya and the 3 men busted out laughing, seeing them NK understood that he was been ragged by them. After some time Lavanya too put the ring to NK and like this the engagement ceremony came to an end. 

All the guests started leaving and at last only Raizada's, Gupta's, Kapoor's, Kashyap's and Aman were left back and having dinner.

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