Part 84

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Arnav just smiled at her expression and truth to be said he never expected her to be that serious at work, as she takes everything lightly and calmly but never does anything seriously, though their judgment was purely justified but knowing her personally he couldn't do anything but amused.

Khushi and her team went to the back stage and just screamed their voice out and danced, seeing them all laughed at them and congratulated.

When the event got ended, it was past 7 in the evening, all dispersed and went back to their homes to celebrate with their families.

As Khushi entered GR, there was completely black out. She was scared of dark so she didn't step further and started calling for her mother and aunt.

Khushi: maa...??? Buaji...??? Listen, I know you people are in, so better come out. But she didn't hear any sound, neither whispering nor footsteps.

Her voice started shaking, then she turned back to go Shantivan but as she turned she hit a hard thing, thing? No, a man. She realized it as Arnav and hugged him tightly.

Khushi: why isn't anyone answering?

Arnav: shh... he hugged her back.

All shouted: Surprise!!!! But shut their mouths seeing tears in her eyes, then they realized that how can they forget, she is scared of dark? Khushi turned back hearing their shout but by then her eyes got moist but she didn't leave Arnav's hand.

All: sorry...

Garima came to them: Khushi, we just wanted to surprise you but didn't get how we forgot that you are scared of dark.

Khushi ran to her and hugged her tight then opening her eyes she saw NK and Lavanya were there.

Khushi (coming out of the hug and wiping her tears): When you both have come?

NK came to her and side hugging her: this afternoon and really sorry, we didn't instead to scare you. He said kissing her forehead.

Lavanya: uff!!! It's your boyfriends fault, we asked him to do us a favor and that too he didn't do properly, we just asked him to inform us when you enter the lane but no, he didn't.

Arnav: what the!! Lavanya winked at him and smiled mischievously. Arnav shook his head.

Khushi looked at Arnav and got to see his „whatever‟ look and then looked at Lavanya who was smiling mischievously at him. Khushi smiled making others sighed.

Sheetal came with a cake singing „Congratulations and Celebrations‟

Khushi laughed and hugged everyone, took blessings from the elders. She was called to cut the cake but she looked around.

Shashi: celebration is going on and that too without me? Very bad.

Khushi smiled at him and dragged to the center: of course not. I was looking for you.

Shashi: I know. Here some people never bother to have a talk. He said eying Garima and hugging Khushi.

All looked at him confusingly and then saw him looking at Garima who was glaring at him.

Payal: what happened, maa?

Garima: why don't you answer them? When you can taunt me in front of everyone? She was mocking.

Khushi: papa, what did you do? Shashi with Akash, Arnav and Aman shut their mouths which went unnoticed by others.

Buaji: what will he say? I'll tell you.

Buaji: last night he consumed alcohol. That's it; Khushi and Payal too joined their mother and glared at their father.

Khushi: papa, you never drunk. Then what did it come from?

Sheetal: or else someone tricked you?

Aman gulped and looked at Sheetal and shook his head not to open her mouth.

Payal: papa? We are waiting. She asked folding her hands and eyeing Akash who looked at her sheepishly.

Arnav: why you all are making fuss? He just consumed 4 glasses, what's the big deal in it? Shashi was shocked and surprised to hear that he consumed 4 Glasses.

Khushi: what's the big deal? Of course it's a big deal. He very well knows how much we hate alcohol, and why are you supporting him? Hmm... let me guess... you, papa, AK and Aman bhai were out last night for some Party.

Arnav: yeah.

Khushi: then you too must have consumed?

Arnav: don't forget that I'm a diabetic.

Khushi: yeah right!! That's it... they started fighting.

If he doesn't taunt Garima then the alcohol matter would not be out, then he won't get those glares, then the others wouldn't be get caught then these two wouldn't end up in fighting with each other and mainly, the celebration won't be ended up this way thought Shashi and made the two to stop fighting but Khushi ended up pasting the hand full of cake on Arnav's face which triggered him more and just holding her neck he buried her face in the cake. All grasped at them.

That's it. the war started not only between them but also between the ladies and men.

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