Part 13

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Arnav was searching for Khushi as she suddenly got disappeared from the place where he last seen her and then someone applied the cake on his face and as he was not expecting this he shouted "What the hell" Khushi stopped laughing and got scared to see him shouting. All the others became silent as they know that he don't like all this if anyone applied on him not even Anjali is allowed to do that.

Khushi really got scared of his sudden shouting on her and she moved back few steps away and she didn't able move back more as she has been lifted by him and in next few seconds she is in the pool which is on the right after crossing the basket ball court. Khushi was utterly shocked with this sudden act of him; she came out of that shock after hearing him out "Don't you dare mess with me" said Arnav angrily but Khushi is Khushi, she can't take this kind of treat so as soon as he turned his heel to go the next moment he is in the pool with her. All this while, others were like hell shocked as no one dared to mess with ASR and here Khushi dared doing something which he hate and what Arnav did was another shock as he never reacted this way with anyone and what Khushi did after that was another shock. All guessed that this is not going to end if they won't stop so all jumped in the pool just avoid them fighting with each other. All started throwing water on them and mostly on Khushi as in just to save her from the wrath of ASR for what she did. Khushi forgot what happened few seconds back and started enjoying with them but Arnav just went out from there angrily and went to his house and straight to his room.

After getting freshen up, he went to his bed to lie and closed his eyes only to see Khushi with the smiling face which he captured in his heart sometime ago and he got the next image of her applying cake on his face, he throwing her in the pool and then her pulling him in the pool. He instantly got up and sat on the bed with anger fully evidence on his face but the next second felt that may be he reacted way too much than needed so thought of saying sorry in the morning when they will be going out with others full day as it's her birthday and he spoiled her day with his anger though for sometime if not the others who stopped the fight from extended to some more time and then with a smile on his face he slept by thinking that by him saying sorry she will be no more feel anything on that incident as the great ASR will be saying sorry who never got a chance to say sorry to others as he never committed any mistake even unknowingly. If he thinks in that way then it is his mistake as this time he messes with the KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA.

Same time at Khushi's room,

Today Khushi said Payal that she will be sleeping in her room today as tomorrow she have to wake up early and get ready to go their farmhouse with Raizada's also. After getting freshen up she came to her bed and lay in a cross position as if resting completely after a tiring day. She remembered all the events which took place sometime back, starting from the basket ball match with Arnav till the time they all ended up in the pool with a smile and again the memory went back to the moment of Arnav's shouting and that's it she again got angry on him for shouting on her and that too on her birthday and that too for applying cake on his face. She won't forgive him that easily if he says sorry too but then again thought does he really say sorry to her as he never said to anyone? Thinking all this she slept.

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