Part 44

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Arnav was like "what the‟ and seeing him others were like ROFL....

Arnav ran from there and came to the parking lot of the college, he searched for a while then found her struggling with her 2-wheeler. He goes near her and he was seeing what she was actually trying to do. He saw that she didn't insert the key and trying to start the vehicle, he looked around the 2-wheeler and found the key of it. He slowly walked towards it without making any sound and took the key then came in front of her.

As soon as she came out of the canteen she headed towards the parking lot and tried starting her 2-wheeler without noticing that she didn't inserted the key to it properly which resulted the key on the ground and she was keep on trying cursing her friends and the girls who were ogling at him. Mostly him for looking more handsome than before, but the real reason was till today she never saw him the way those girls were describing him before and when she saw him in that manner she felt insecure/jealous for ogling at her man.

Khushi being innocent and naïve about all this, she felt different in looking at him as they said about his manly and killer looks, fitted body and most of all absolutely handsome in all angles, any girl would be flat if she gains his attention for once.

She was still trying to start but it was not getting started then from nowhere Arnav came in front of her. She glared at him and again started hitting the kick rod.

Arnav : Khushi, what are you trying to prove yourself more?

Khushi : why will I try to prove myself? And what do you mean by more, ah?

Arnav : As in, we all know that you are mad but you are proving to the onlookers around us.

Khushi at first gave him a glare and got furious but then hearing him out completely she looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

Arnav showed her the key of the 2-wheeler but she didn't noticed it clearly and said in a furious tone but in a low voice.

Khushi : What the hell? Why are you showing this? And whatever you want to say, say it properly or else I have much more work to do.

Arnav inserted the key in the whole and started it by using the self starter. Khushi for a moment forgot all her anger and felt embarrassed.

Arnav : Khushi, relax, saying this he tried to bring her off the 2-wheeler but she jerked back his hand.

Khushi : I'm leaving, saying this she tried going off but he held the 2-wheeler with his strength not to let her go.

Arnav : Khushi, Khushi... look at me. She did looked at him but turned to other side in the next second, seeing this act of her he felt like smiling but he hid it as not to make her angrier.

Arnav : Khushi, what happen? He made her to look at him by cupping her cheek.

Khushi though losing her anger by seeing him and his concern but didn't give in : you are asking as if you don't know what happened.

Arnav : I have no idea of what you are talking about...

Khushi : don't act smart...

Arnav : Khushi, there is no need to act as smart because I'm smart.

Khushi hit him on his hand and said: don't you know that those girls were ogling at you? back in the canteen?

Arnav : Don't you trust me?

Khushi just stared at him and then looked down; she forgot all her anger by seeing him in front of her and the love in his eyes. She nodded her head as in she trusts him.

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