Part 67

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Arnav first sprinkled some water on her face and she just covered her face by her palm. He then reversed the jug on her face making her to jerk up for her sleep and scream on top of her voice.

"Ahhhhhhh....................." screamed Khushi.

Arnav shut his eyes and ears both tightly....

By now all had come up to her room and saw Arnav closing his eyes and ears tightly where Khushi's face was all wet and eyes widened.

Shashi: what happened, Khushi? 

Khushi came out of the shock first then looked at him.

Khushi: what happened? She asked in reverse not getting anything with a confused look.

Akash who came to her and sat next to her, looked at Arnav who turned his head to the other direction when he turned to him. He left that Arnav, his bhai had done this as only he was present here before all were up in the room. He was shocked as this was something he never did before, though he was a prankster but he never attempted to do such thing as he thinks that these were silly things. He stood up and came near Arnav and looked at him questioningly by raising his brows.

Arnav: what? He asked in return. 

Akash: nothing. You were here before come here so thinking, are you the one really did this?

Khushi heard what Akash said and in a go she jumped from her bed and came on him and started pulling his hair. All were shocked to see this side of her and Akash who was next to his bhai started pulling her by holding her waist with both of his hands.

Akash: Khushi, Khushi... easy... he finally pulled her and still holding her tightly in the thought that if he leaves her then she would again attack him.

Nani: what is this childishness, Chote? She asked glaring at him.

Arnav: what the!!? 

Anjali: stop saying this "what the, what the‟. What kind of a behavior is this?

Arnav: she was still sleeping when I expected her to be all ready by the time...

Mami: so you poured water on her?

Arnav: seriously, you all are giving me lecture for waking her up? Unbelievable!! He says with an irritated tone

Akash: bhai, they meant the way you woke her but not for waking her... he said he a grin.

Arnav glared at him: whatever... I'm leaving, if anyone wants to ride to temple then come down... he left but not before winking at her making her to groan at him.

Shashi, Garima, buaji, Payal, Sheetal and Lavanya thought that she must have done something or else he won't do such things...

Akash: easy Khushi... he left her and angrily shoved his hands from and smacked him on his shoulder.

Akash: ouch!! Khushi...

Khushi: who asked you to pull me back? She asked him angrily.

Garima: KHUSHI... now he is your to be jijaji, have some respect...

Khushi: "To be‟ maa... so chill... she angrily left to freshen up and others too left as they heard horn sound from down...

Khushi got ready and came down in half an hour but only to see Arnav. She looked around to find anyone but she couldn't as the others left and Arnav came back on the pretext of some international conference call to be done and be back after sometime which only half truth was as the other was to come with Khushi... So here he was...

Khushi: where are the others? 

Arnav: the rituals don't wait for anyone's absence.

He looked at her from top to bottom as she wore a pale yellow and white suit and her hair was left open with minimal make up and lip gloss, the movements of her hands making him to see at the bangles she wore some 2 dozens for each.

Khushi: Stop checking me out. She said looking away as she her heart rate raised up.

Arnav started coming close to her and she was stepping back till she hit the stairs hand. Before she could fall he caught her on time and brought her to him by pressing her to him.

Arnav: Khushi... you are shivering... he says huskily but enough to get lost in him.

Arnav: why do you always step back when I move forward? He asks still holding her.
Khushi: because... to move forward, needs to step back first... saying she pushes him and run from his reach.

Arnav: Khushi... 

Khushi threw one of the cushions placed on the sofas on him...

Arnav: are you mad? What are you doing?

Khushi: why the hell did you pouring water on me?

Arnav: did you wake up when I sprinkled water on your face first?

Khushi: when did you do that?

Arnav: yeah right!! When you sleep like... what they say it as... kum...

Khushi: kumbakaran... 

Arnav: exactly... then when will you feel that...

Khushi: what do you get by fighting with me always...? She asked folding her arms across her chest.

Arnav moving towards her: you look cute and feel like laughing at you...

Khushi: Aw... she opens her mouth in "O‟...

Arnav turned her and hugged from behind: you are unique piece Khushi... you do know that, don‟t you?

Khushi: I know... she says while leaning back on him.

Khushi: now all think that, from when Arnav Singh Raizada did started forgetting his words.

Arnav: what the!! 

Khushi removed his hands from her and stood straight in front of him.

Khushi: all must be waiting... let's go... saying she held his hand lead him out to his car.

He was about to open the door of driver's seat but Khushi came and sat in saying thank you she closed the door.

Arnav: what the!! Khushi, this is not funny... come out... 

Khushi: no... she pulled the key from his hand and started the car asking him to sit in.

Arnav groaned and with irritation came and sat on the passenger's seat beside her.

Arnav: careful Khushi... 

Khushi: I know... she turned the car in one go out of the building.

Arnav: what the!! Khushi... 

Khushi: chill. I know driving and you also have seen and experienced too...

Arnav: but that was an isolated area. 

Khushi: arghh... shut up... let me concentrate on road...

Arnav leaned back on his seat: why? Am I looking that handsome that can't concentrate on the road?

Khushi: you always look handsome and have the effect on me when you are around me? She said in a flow casually, but in the next second she realized what she said and felt embarrassed and didn't dare to look at him again till they reached temple knowing very well that he was looking at her intensely. Soon they reached temple by Khushi ignoring him and him smirking at her.

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