Part 31

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All are having dinner while talking about today's event and at last everyone's attention went to Arnav, to know why he didn‟t tell anyone and then started asking about his being in London... 

Arnav's most concentration was on Khushi, who is just throwing angry glares at him for commenting her. On the other though Khushi is sitting with them and playing with Dia but her heart beat was beating so fast this reminds her the time when this started and blushed which didn't go unnoticed by Arnav who sat opposite to her just to know what she feels for him as he feels for her. When looked at him unknowingly she saw him glancing at her while
talking to others but he didn't stop glancing at her being caught directly. This made again to bring the words which he said to her when he caught her. And forgetting all she started giving angry glares to him. As it is getting late, wishing good night everyone started retiring to their rooms and Gupta's left to their house but Khushi and Payal. Now only Arnav, Akash, Khushi, Payal, NK, Lavanya, Sheetal and Aman left back in the living room. 

NK : so Arnav, you said everything but didn't mention anything about for how many days you are going to stay here. 

Aman : NK, he just came today and you are talking about his going back. What is this ah? 

Lavanya : just ignore him Aman, we all know how he is. 

Sheetal : hey, tell us about the life you spend there. 

Arnav : what is there to tell? I said everything still what you what to know? 

Lavanya winking at Sheetal : she meant that did you dated anyone there? She asked with a lopsided smile and looked at Khushi who with a jerk, at first looked at her and then at Arnav who choked the water which he was drinking and looked at Khushi. 

Arnav got that she is teasing so joining her he replied : Lavanya, the girls back there are not that fools to be dated without any benefits as you know. They are very hot, ****y, intelligent etc, but you know... before he could complete Khushi got up and on the pretext of drinking water she left to the kitchen. By hearing her voice anyone can say that she is controlling the tears. Arnav felt that he is the reason for her tears, if he didn't utter those words to the girls then this won't happening so he too left to kitchen. Others were enjoying the conversation seeing Khushi they felt bad, though they were just teasing but didn't expect that this turn out like this but seeing Arnav going behind he they know he will take care. So all retired to their rooms and as Payal and Khushi are going to sleep here so Sheetal, Lavanya and Payal left to the guest room thinking that Khushi will join them after making up with Arnav. If only they think. 

Khushi entered in kitchen and controlled her tears not to flow down. She already decided that if he have anyone in his life then she won't let her enter in his life but her heart said that it won't happen though she decided but she too wished mentally that what her heart says to be true, but after hearing how Arnav described about those girls she couldn't able to hear more left from there. She knows what she feels for Arnav is Love but didn't wish to tell anyone unless she confirms that no one is in his life, though her heart said that the feelings are mutual but for time being she ignored as to avoid the rejection if he has anyone in his life. Arnav entered the kitchen and saw her lost in some thoughts leaning on the table but what she realized seeing her is that she didn't knew that the tears are flowing continuously and she is not wiping it. He came near her and wiped her tears and this did make her to come back to the present and as she came back she realized that they both are so close to each other. She looked at the kitchen entrance to make sure no one sees them like this and she tried to push him but he held her hand and said

"Khushi, there is no one awake other than us". She looked at him confusingly as before she came here all were in the living room then... 

"Khushi, tum roo kyun rahi ho?" 

Khushi : Nahi, mein nahi ro rahi hoon. 

Arnav : Yeah right, says while wiping the tear near her eye and showed. 

Khushi to divert the topic asked : What are you doing here? While removing his from her cheek which he kept after wiping her tears? He amused to see her removing his hand in hurry as if someone will punish her. She tried to pushed him and got succeeded then was about to go but he caught he hand pulled towards him keeping her hands back and she came banging to him with the force. Arnav leaned on the Kitchen slab and held her in his arms and when she came back to her sense she started struggling in his arms. 

Khushi : Leave me. By not looking at him she said. 

Arnav : ****ne keliye nahi pakda hain meine. 

Khushi stared at him for few seconds and remembering him describing those girls and again started struggling :****iye mujhe... but he is not in a mood to do that as he missed her 3 long years... no calls, no video chatting, no messages so how can he leave this opportunity?

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