Part 10

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The match between boys v/s girls.

Team girls : Khushi, Payal, Lavanya and Sheetal.

Team boys : Arnav, Akash, NK and Aman.

Arnav is the captain of boys team and Sheetal is captain of the girls team.

All the four pairs took places facing each other. Ball was with Arnav, so he threw up by thinking that he will be catching it again and he can make a goal soon, if only he thinks. As soon as the ball is up in the air Khushi jumped forward and caught hold of the ball and started running towards the basket. For a moment everyone except Payal, was like shock as they didn't expect that from no one that one can caught hold of the ball when Arnav is on the field and by the time they come out of their shock, Khushi made a goal and hugging Payal by smiling a loud, Lavanya and Sheetal went to Khushi and congratulated her for making the goal and on the other hand boys took hold of the situation by discussing what to do and specially Arnav wanted to show his skills to Khushi, if she thinks that she is a smart player than he too not less.

After taking their positions back, Khushi started dribbling and going to basket the ball but suddenly Arnav came in front of her and by this act of his Khushi lost her hold on the ball so Arnav ran towards his basket while dribbling and made a goal. Boys hi-fived each other then Arnav looked at Khushi only to see her pouted with little anger because till today no one made a goal when she is on the court and this expression of her, surely made Arnav to kiss her there and then but he can't and then he thought "what the? How can I think like that and that to the girl whom I met a while ago? Dude, what's happening?" sighing he threw the ball. Sheetal caught hold of the ball and was going towards the basket but Aman came from behind and tried to take the ball from her but before that could happen Khushi came from other side and Sheetal passed it to Khushi, all the boys circled her in a safe distance and waiting for the time she throws it, 5 seconds passed it didn't happen. Khushi threw the ball from that place itself towards the basket and everyone didn't expected that it will be a goal but Arnav did and as he expected it is a goal because the position she took was absolutely correct. Arnav smirked seeing the way she played and liked it a lot. Like this the match went on and ended by scoring girls 3 and boys 2. Everyone was very impressed with Khushi for her playing skills.

All went to the canteen to have something and coming towards the entrance, Khushi and Payal informed their father to came and pick them up. Though being gentlemen, boys offered them a ride but they denied politely and said that they always hang out with their father at the end of the day. All the others were like awe and were talking when they heard the horn sound all looked at that direction to find Shashi Gupta coming out of the car smiling at them, both the girls ran to him and hugged. This was something that the six standing few steps away from them didn't expect. All were like "what the".

Being the great tycoon's daughters, they didn't even showed any attitude or any negative vibe in them. This gesture of Khushi and Payal definitely took all their hearts away. Shashi acknowledged the presence of the others being present there and witnessing the love of father and daughters. He came to them and greeted them.

"Hello, Arnav and Akash" greeted Shashi fondly and smiled at others.

"Hi Uncle" replied all.

"Papa, do you know them?" asked Khushi looking at him for an answer so as Payal.

"Yes beta, I know them. do you remember when once I said about two young boys who attended the meeting and were very impressive?" after acknowledging the nod from his girls added "they are Arnav and Akash" said Shashi.

Khushi and Payal were not shocked but really surprised to know that these two are the one who impressed their father a lot that he kept praising them the day when he said about these two by remembering the day.

"Don't know what you people have done in the meeting that impressed papa and he didn't felt tired praising you two whenever he attend the meeting with you two" said Khushi with a smile and Arnav and Akash respected Shashi a lot at that moment as he never praised this much when they met personally ever but knowing that they impressed him that much they felt really proud on them as they admire him for his sincerity, dedication and polite manner and mainly never loses a word and always a supporting man when needed.

"Thank you Uncle, thank you so much. Don't know what to say you Uncle other than thanking you for supporting us and advising us when needed" said Arnav by overwhelming and Akash too said Thanks for always being for there like his father.

Leaving Khushi and Payal, Shashi side hugged Arnav and Akash. And this definitely made Khushi to feel jealous but liked when he hugged Arnav but don't know the reason, whereas Payal, looked at them in awe and also liked when he hugged Akash don't know the reason. The other four liked and respected Shashi for the person he is. Of course everyone knows him.

"These are mine and Khushi's friends. NK, Lavanya, Aman and Sheetal" introduced Payal to her father.

"Hi" said Shashi smiling at them.

"Hi Uncle" greeted all.

"Payal and Khushi, won't you invite them for outing. As you people become friends and going to be your classmates and super seniors?" said Shashi.

"Why not? Papa and you know what papa? Today we played basket ball match, girls v/s boys and we won it" said Khushi smilingly. All admired her smile and her chirpy nature.

"Yes Uncle, must say Khushi really plays well, very impressed" said Sheetal. And all agreed.

"Then it calls for a treat, come lets go. What say?" said Shashi.

All agreed, though little hesitated at first but agreed seeing the friendly nature of his towards all of them and truly they all liked him.

All spent the evening by going all around and stopped at the restaurant to have dinner. All had a great time being with Shashi though he is a father of their friends but didn't behave like one. At last all called it a day and by bidding everyone all went to their house. At this point both the brothers remembered that Payal and Khushi are staying opposite to them and this made them really happy.

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