Part 43

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Within one week Khushi's college get started and being the sincere student she started going to the college from the first day itself. Shashi, Arnav, Akash, Payal, Aman, NK, Lavanya, Sheetal and Shyam were busy with their works. Mama goes to office only when there was need of his presence if not stays at home. Garima, Madhumati, Mami, Nani and Anjali daily meets in any one of their houses.

When Shyam took her for the date the other day, he gifted her house for them to stay. It was not that he has some problem by staying with them but he feels the responsibility towards his own family which he got after marrying Anjali (him, Anjali and his world, Dia) and he should be taking care of them personally of all their needs. And the best part is he bought the house in the same lane of RM and GR but the difference is that they live at the corner of the lane which was quite silent at nights and dark too. Anjali takes care of everything from morning waking up them to the bed time at night. It was not a mansion to look like but not less too. Nani suggested her to take one of the Prakash brothers for the household works which she agreed after seeing the glares she was been showering by her husband and brother, Arnav.

They joined Dia in a playing school and after making her join, she became so naughty and the younger one in the family after Dia was Khushi, they two were enough to make the home so lively but Arnav feels irritating as he doesn't get the time to spend with her even when he get free which was a getting very rarely.

Khushi drops Dia to her playing school and then goes to her college by her bike so no chance of being together in the morning except at the dining table for breakfast and that too she comes to his house or vice-versa.

Her college completes at around 2 pm, when coming back she picks up Dia from her school and goes for a ride every day. So here also he doesn't get time to spend with her.

In the evenings, when he comes back from the office he founds her either being with Dia or doing her assignments.

At times he feels how lucky his friends were in spending time with their partners as Akash and Payal meets daily in the meetings or in the office with some or the other official works. NK and Lavanya works in a same company so no question of missing each other and then comes his best friend Aman and his fiancé Sheetal, they daily meets in the office like Akash and Payal. And he, his girl was a college going student. He pats himself sarcastically.

In all this, the best part was the Saturday evenings which was only for them. He makes sure that he doesn't get busy at that time. Also the other time which makes them to be in touch with her (through phone call) was the lunch times, they both gets free at that time and will be busy in having lunch with each other from their places.

Sundays was completely for the family outings. Other than going to farmhouse, they visits different places each Sunday.

Like this a year passed and the main thing was left out from Arnav's knowledge was Khushi was assisting Sheetal in her dad's company.

NK and Lavanya got married and after them in a line Sheetal and Aman too got married by the following month. Akash and Payal got engaged just a month ago. In all this the designers were Arnav, Khushi, Lavanya and Sheetal. Khushi took extra care for NK and Payal's dresses whereas Arnav took Aman's and Akash's dresses and Sheetal took Lavanya's dress. Both Khushi and Lavanya took Sheetal‟s dress responsibility.

In Khushi colleges there was a notice that all the final year students must do an internship in any one the companies which her college authority opted for. The reputed companies in designing department, GD and AR too invited by the college authorities and what surprised Khushi more was, to select the candidates from the college, Payal and Sheetal came representing GD and Aman and Akash from AR.

She decided at the first place was not to join in GD by remembering the nights when Payal used to tells her how she was been given the special treatment of being the MD's daughter. Before she could decide anything after finishing her interview with each company, college authority announce the results after few minutes that she was been selected by AR designs.

Behind the scene, Arnav himself wanted to come to the college for the interview but at the last minute Aman arranged a meeting for him to attend and he will be taking caring of the interview of the interns, giving him the deadly glares Arnav left for the meeting not before warning him that Khushi must be here and by any chance she was been selected by GD then Sheetal will be taking rounds from home to hospital. he said as if GD was the biggest rival company of AR or to say his. Aman laughed at his friend's/boss's love towards his girl completed his life thinking this he came to the college with Akash.

The interview was completed but the old students who came officially were now roaming around the college remembering the times which they spent here. Soon they were been joined by NK and Lavanya but Arnav and Khushi was not with them. Khushi got busy in her classes and Arnav with his meeting. 

At the lunch time, there came a announcement saying that the afternoon sessions had been cancelled. Khushi came out of her classroom and was heading to the canteen, there she found her SUPER SENIORS sitting there and was looking like they were been waiting for someone and before she could take the name on the missing member, she felt someone touched her waist and pinched hard over her suit. She felt the touch and recognized it as Arnav but she never thought that he can be this bold. She looked here and there and relaxed as no one watched them; giving him „I'll see you‟ look she left to have a seat with her college friends. She hates to take the attention. She was not an attention seeker, so to avoid that she joined her classmates just side table of them and behind Arnav.

Seeing Arnav, Akash, NK and Aman there was lots of whispers in the crowd, NK and Akash were got excited for seeking the girls attention but seeing the glares from their respected partners gave attention to them. Arnav and Aman hi-fived each other and the rest laughed at

them. All this while Khushi got reddened with jealousy hearing her passing comments for her friends about specially Arnav, to her much satisfaction soon her friends bid bye and left, thankfully the canteen got vacated soon and only this gang remained.

She turned back and held him by his collar and warned him

Khushi : Dare you look at the other girls... saying this she left from there. leaving others in the shock.

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