Part 5

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Next day, they started to Delhi via car...........

In Delhi, nothing much had happened. They completed their exams and spend time with family and hangout with them.

The journey from Lucknow to Delhi was super exciting than they usually feel, they visit Delhi for every vacation; as they have their farm house in the outskirts of Delhi. What Shashi planned is that, Khushi and Payal are unknown of it, Shashi is constructing a house in the main city of Delhi and in a decent locality. Both the sisters are thinking that they are going to live in their farmhouse.

They reached Delhi, crossing the whole city they went to their farmhouse, as it is at the other side from the side they came. As they reached there, they were welcomed by the servants who work in the house to maintain it neat and clean. All entered in and fell on the couch and sofa which is placed in the living room.

The farm house is very big and its kind a transparent from outside but only the front part of the house. There is a garden, pool with 4 feet depth in the down floor itself, consists of 8 rooms, two rooms are at down, 4 rooms are in the 2nd floor and remaining are in the 3rd floor. 3rd floor looks like only 2 rooms and a living room and stairs to the down this is the half of the floor, other half is like terrace. Those two rooms are only for both the sisters.

All rest for some time, as they travelled all the way from Lucknow by taking turns of driving the car by Payal and Shashi. They went to their respective rooms and slept after getting freshen up. They decided that today will they take rest and tomorrow will go out starting with Devi maiyya temple.

Here in the city of Delhi, all came back from the shopping mall as after 1 week they are going to celebrate Dia's 1st birthday. All settled in the living area and were discussing about what they were going to do and who will be doing what?

After completing the discussion they decided that

Lavanya and Sheetal will be taking care of the interiors.

Aman and Arnav will be taking care of the catering and music, also will assist Lavanya and Sheetal in getting the decorating stuff.

NK and Akash will be taking care of inviting the guests and return gifts.

Anjali and nani will be preparing the guests list so that inviting the guests will be easy for NK and Akash also they both will taking care of the puja which they arranged in temple on her first birthday. So they decided that tomorrow they will go to temple and talk with pundit.

Mama and Mami will be supervising.

Shyam will be taking care of Dia as he won't be with her after 1week. He is going back to US. So this whole week Shyam will be taking care of Dia completely.

At last, they all call it a day and went to their house and rooms.

Next day,

Delhi outskirts,


All got ready for the outing so they started their journey towards Temple.

In the city of Delhi,


All the Raizada's and Jha's were having breakfast. Anjali and nani finished their breakfast first and called out for the driver then HP informed that the driver went to garage for servicing. Akash and Arnav were free so they said that they can give a ride to them.

All the four started their journey towards the temple.

Gupta's started climbing the stairs; Madhumati asked Khushi and Payal to buy the needed things for puja and bring up, till the time they buy other three went up and were now climbing the stairs. They both were remembering the time they spent here when they last visited. While they both were talking, they saw a elderly woman was about to fall and the other woman who is next to her caught her but while catching her she lost her balance and both the women were about to fall but t both sisters caught them at the right time and the woman who is in her late twenties sprained her leg. The both women were nani and Anjali. Khushi caught hold of Anjali and Payal caught hold of nani. The sisters made them to sit on the nearby wall and opened the hand bag which Payal is carrying with her and took out pain relief spray. She gave that to Khushi and Khushi sprayed it on Anjali's foot after checking her foot, it's not a big injury but just sprain. After checking that both were fine, they went to their parents who were doing puja and praying.

In the meanwhile, both the brothers came to Anjali and nani after parking and asked why are they sitting there? Then Anjali said what had happened here a few minutes ago and also ensured that they both her fine and want to thank the two sisters, so they started towards the temple. The four young people who were in the temple felt something different all of a sudden but didn't get what it is, leaving that aside all the four stood in the same line. Anjali, nani, Garima, Madhumati and Shashi stood front and the youngsters at the back of them but won't be able to see each other. All the elders completed the puja and turned towards the younger ones to go for a round till then they will talk to pundit. After nodding the four left from there. Both the sisters were remembering their memories and the two brothers were looking for the sisters who helped their sis and nani.

After searching for some good time they found two girls turning their back towards them and talking and they assumed that they were the sisters who helped as there is no much crowd in the temple, this helped them to find them. As they went near them and said "Excuse me" both the girls turned around and looked up, they saw two boys were standing and responded saying "ji".

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