Part 58

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For the first time Khushi entered as an asst. Designer at GD, all the staff was shocked and surprised with the news... 

Khushi entered GD with Arnav; they looked as a couple for the on lookers as she wore a saree with loose hair and Arnav in his black 3 piece suit by him holding her hand possessively she tried freeing her he didn't let her. He took her to the designing department and asked one of the workers to show her the dresses of the show and also asked to inform all the models to come there. They waited for few minutes and then all the models came and stood in the room. One of the assistants came there and helped the models with their dresses. Some of the models attention was on ASR who was busy in talking with Khushi, some were thinking who Khushi was and some adored them as couple.

Arnav: Khushi, these are the models that are going to present your designs.

All the models were shocked knowing that.

All were like "WHAT?" 

Arnav asked them to try for the last time just to make Khushi to see before the show starts; she never attended any show except the shows conducted in the college.

She was surprised and for the first time she felt proud on her profession. The shows she participated in the college were different and this was different, that was for the competition and this one was the actual fashion show.

Khushi: WOW!!! 

Arnav: I know (he said just to her, near her ear) let's go...

They both left the place and entered the conference room; there they saw Shashi, Aman, Akash, Sheetal, Payal and few others. They got in and took their places beside each other.

One of the employees stood up and starts presenting what all done and what has remained... then Aman made some changes in the timing to which all agreed and ended the meeting.

It was afternoon, as always Khushi was the one who reminded them of lunch time.

Arnav: Khushi, in this hectic schedule too, you are thinking of break?

Khushi: lunch...

Arnav: whatever...

Khushi: it's been 4 hours, I came here and you kept on making me involve in everything... but for once you didn't take the break and even didn't let me... I'm not a machine like you. She said with a complaining tone.

Arnav: what the!! you... 

Shashi: relax... let's have the breakfast first and then will go to the venue...

Aman: okay, I have booked the table in your favorite restaurant Khushi, let's go...

Arnav: Aman, are you my manager or hers? 

Aman: but I'm her brother too... 

Akash: bhai chill... now we will be getting late if you guys keep on arguing... so let's go...

Khushi: am I arguing? 

Akash: no... never... still all of them stood there without moving... 

Payal & Sheetal: LET's GO GUYS.......

All got startled by their shouting and left the place...

Akash: why both shouted inside...?

Payal: everyone was saying let's go let's go... but no one was moving...

Sheetal: yeah... fools... saying they entered the car... and Akash and Aman to joined them. Arnav, Khushi and Shashi were in other.

After completing the lunch outside, all went to their house and started getting ready for the event...

It was around 5 in the evening Shashi asked Arnav to pick Khushi and reach the venue as he had to be at the event first... as it was conducting by his company.

She was still sitting on the chair in front of her wardrobe and thinking what to wear... a saree or a suit? Payal was shocked to see Khushi.

Payal: what the hell Khushi? Why didn't you get ready still?

Khushi: jiji, was thinking what to wear, a saree or a suit... you pick either of it... she looked at Payal and was stunned to her looking damn gorgeous in the dark green designer saree.

Khushi: someone is looking breath taking... are you planning to kill AK or what?

Payal blushed at her comment but replied: leave about me... start worrying about yourself... if Arnav sees you like this then he will definitely kill you...

Khushi started getting nervous and biting her nails.

Payal: stop biting your nails and start getting ready wearing something... you just have 15min then Arnav will be at the door, beware... saying she left her letting her feel more nervous. She was pacing to and fro when something caught her attention on the bed corner. She went and picked it up and saw there was a chit stick to it which showed in a written "get ready". She opened the packet and saw a beautiful red designer saree. She had a big smile on her face and started getting ready... it took 10min to drape the saree but she was unable to hook the blouse at the back...

Suddenly the door got open and she thought may be Payal and asked without looking at back,

Khushi: jiji, please hook this blouse... my hands are paining in trying to hook it...

A pair of hands reached the blouse ends and then makes them hooked by pulling the two ends with a force.

She felt her body got goose bumps feeling the hand at her bare back she looked up at the mirror and saw Arnav behind her, which meant whom she thought as her jiji that was him, Arnav.

Arnav entered GR and was said by Payal that Khushi was still in her room getting ready, he looked at the time and it was 6PM, they had still 1 hr to reach the event, instead of waiting he went up and tried to knock the door but before he could knock twice, the door got open slightly with the first one. He thought maybe she got ready and wide opened the door only to be get shocked seeing the view in front of him. Khushi with her bare back standing towards the mirror letting him see her bare back. Then he heard her thinking him as her jiji asked to hook her blouse, he walked in a trance towards her and hook her blouse by touching her bare back and making her jerk with his touch.

He looked at her through mirror and then by placing his hand on her bare back, he moved his hand upwards, making his way to the strings of the blouse. He pulled the strings and tied it tightly. Making her grasp...

Khushi: Arrrnaavvv... 

She broke his trance by calling him his name out... he didn't stop looking at her much to her nervousness. His intense gaze was making her feeling different. He saw blushing and by seeing her reddened face he felt like kissing her and he didn't resist to do so, by cupping her cheek with one hand and sliding his hand on her waist with the other he pulled her close to him. She didn't dare to look in to his eyes but didn't say anything and let him do.

He brought his face near hers and placed his lips on her and giving a peck he kissed her cheeks one by one, then her forehead. He looked at her eyes which were closed due to nervousness.

Arnav: Khushi... 

Payal: Khushi... she called Khushi at the same time as Arnav's. She was completely shocked and felt embarrassed seeing them that close...

Khushi push him a little making her free from him but he didn't leave her waist...

Payal: sorry guys... for disturbing you but it's getting late, we need to rush...

Arnav: yeah, you go we will come... 

Khushi: yeah, you go and Arnav, you too leave... I'll be there down in 5min.

Arnav: but... 

Khushi: leave... 

They two left her and as soon as she left Khushi sighed deeply... she just put lip gloss and headed down...

Buaji placed a black behind Payal's and Khushi's ear and wished them best and by taking hers and Garima's blessing they left to the venue...

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