Part 4

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After coming out of the house all the six hi-fived each other and left to college.

As they reached the college, everyone started looking them. This has become a routine to them, so they don't react, they just mind their work. As they were entering the corridor they were informed by the peon that dean is calling them.

As they entered the dean's cabin, at first dean congratulated them for organizing such an event which they never going to forget and then informed about the exams which will be in next 2 weeks. Dean informed all the students long back, that the exams date will be announced before two weeks of the exams starts. After hearing about the exams all got little shock but was back to their normal self.

In Lucknow, one week passed like nothing and Khushi's examinations started Payal's exams dates were announced so they both got busy in the school/college life. Khushi gave her best in her exams and Payal's exams got started and were at last exam. In these 2 whole weeks, they mostly stayed in study and in Payal's room, didn't really bother about what's going on in the house. They both completely engrossed in their exams that they failed to notice that their parents started packing and only Khushi's and Payal's packing is remaining and also the daily used stuff.

As Khushi and Payal returned from school and college, went to freshen up and came down to have snacks which was placed on the dining table and started having it. While having it, they were discussing about their exams and then started talking about future plans as what to do next, where to study etc. they both wanted to study in Delhi but the problem is they also can't stay away from their parents. They didn't say anything about studying in Delhi to their parents as, if they say their parents will agree to send them but they know that they can't stay away, so they didn't mention anything (at least this is what this sisters think that their parents are not aware of their wish). Well, actually what happened is when both the sister were talking in their room after a long day in college/school, they started discussing about their future plans like what they want to do next and become, also where to study. They both wanted to study in Delhi as there is a very famous college for Fashion designing and MBA but they can't stay away so they didn't say anything to their parents and the person who came to their room to catch up with them didn't enter the room instead listened to all their talks and decided something and that person is their father Shashi Gupta.

Suddenly Payal felt something was wrong as she looked around the dining area and then came to living room. She felt something was odd but didn't get it. Khushi who followed her asked what happened but didn't get any reply so followed the direction what she is looking at then she too felt something odd in their house and thought how they didn't see these entire thing these days, then remembered that they were engrossed in their exams that they didn't give a glance to anything. There was a ringing sound at door so then went and opened to welcome their mother and bua. As all the four entered, the two sisters bombard the questionnaire of what is happening, is there something they should know, etc.

"This is because we are shifting to Delhi permanently" came a voice from the doorstep. All the four turned back and saw Shashi with folded hands. The two girls were shocked as no one didn't even once mentioned anything about it with them and lots more were going in their mind but didn't utter anything as not knowing what to say or what not to. Shashi said no stated that they are leaving, what that means, why suddenly, what happened.

"What!!!!???" this was the only word they uttered.

"We are going to settle in Delhi as my both daughters want to study there and before you people ask me how do I know then don't forget that I'm your father and you are my daughters. So now don't waste time and start packing things, we are leaving as soon as possible. Now no more question will be asked as there is a surprise for you people so move......" said Shashi side hugging his daughters with a satisfactory smile as he got what he wanted from his daughters that the shocked surprised expression and the happiness which he saw in their eyes. This trio joined by Madhumati and Garima. That calls a family time.

One week passed, all the things arranged well and good, all were checking is there anything left. They were checking as in two days they were leaving. All they packed was clothes, books, files, and some other stuff. They decided that they will be coming once a year to Lucknow for a month.

As of now Gupta designs main branch was Lucknow but from tomorrow onwards Delhi. In every state of India there is a branch of Gupta designs.

Next day there are going to leave so there are sitting together in the living and remembering their time which they spent here. The phone call interrupted them and Khushi answered the call, suddenly she got nervous as the call was saying that the results are out and informed her to come to school immediately.

Khushi and Payal went to Khushi's school and after reaching school they went to the notice board where the results putted on. Both the sisters were checking name by name in different sheets. At last Khushi found her number and started shouting,

"Jiji, I got 97%. I can't believe it ". After coming out of the crowd both hugged each other. Khushi noticed Rishi coming with a smile on his face and Khushi got scared seeing his smile as she forget all this time that Rishi had challenged her. He came and stood in front of her smiling at her.

"So Khushi, what happened got second in the school? Very bad but anyway, congratulations, not school first but at least scored for second place. Hey, you don't know how much I scored right? I got 96.5%." said with a smile Rishi. After hearing his % she smiled little knowing that she got 0.5% more than him but didn't say anything just replied with dull expression as if she got second and feeling bad,

"Congratulations Rishi, you really proved yourself, this is the first time I'm feeling very bad that I lost a challenge..."

Took break and looked directly in Rishi's eyes and added

"tch tch.... Kaash mein yeh sab keh paati but you see, I never stood second like you, I stood first and will always be"

Rishi got confused after hearing Khushi as he was informed that he stood first this time. Seeing the expression Khushi added

"Now don't give me that as you don't know why I'm talking like this? For your information, I stood first like always and you stood second as I scored 97%, 0.5% more than you".

Rishi was shocked thinking how can this be happen as till now Khushi's highest scored marks was 96% so thought after seeing his results he stood first but now Khushi scored not only more him but she scored more than her last record.

All this while Payal stood there like a silent spectrum. Now she needs to stop them so she took Khushi away with her. While they were on their way to Khushi's friends, peon informed Khushi that principle is calling her. Both went to principle's cabin and Princi asked them to sit.

"Congratulations Khushi, you stood first not only in our school but also in this whole city" like this their conversation went on and discussed about her future and also Payal's as Payal was a old student of the school so... they informed that they are shifting to Delhi and will pursue their graduation and post graduation there itself. After sometime both left her cabin and returned to their home to share this news with her family.

As they entered their home, all the lights was off and suddenly light came with the sound of balloon blast and snow spray started spraying on both of them. Khushi was very surprised and hugged every one. All congratulated her and said that Payal had already informed them so that they can plan a small celebration.

After the celebrations, everyone got back to their packing stuff. After double checking everything they went back to their sleep after a long tiring day for another tiring day.

Next day, they started to Delhi via car...........

In Delhi, nothing much had happened. They completed their exams and spends time with family and hangout with them.

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