Part 81

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Later, that day passed like before, men at work as they took a week‟s break and women their households/college.

Arnav and Shashi had a hectic day at office as they had to compensate for the missed week. They literally thanked god for not having any meeting post evening. Seeing Shashi tiredness, Arnav offered the ride back home as he won't be drive on his own. So leaving Shashi's car at AR both left in Arnav's car.

Shashi received a call from Khushi to pick her up. Arnav headed to Khushi's college.

After halting the car in the parking lot, he gave a call to her but the call got disconnected as she did so. He saw her coming with her friends towards his car. Shashi and Arnav came out seeing them coming.

Khushi came and hugged her father with a smile playing on her lips. Shashi kissed her on the forehead. This made his day.

Khushi: how was your day?

Shashi: hectic.

Khushi: hmm... came out of the hug.

Her friends: Hello!! Uncle... Hi, ASR...

Shashi responded with a smile and Arnav nodded in acknowledgment.

After some pleasantries all dispersed.

Khushi sat at the back and Arnav and Shashi at front.

Khushi: How was your day, Arnav?

Arnav: not bad... yours?

Khushi: the great ASR's day was not bad??? Hmm... this is something new... well mine was too good.

Arnav: I'm not a student to chill out and hangout... I have a business to run and need to attend meetings.

Khushi: you are saying as if you enjoyed your college life, she made a face at him.

Shashi was enjoying their talks but wanted to stop them from the upcoming fight.

Shashi: okay, okay... stop. So tell me, why is your too good?

Arnav: when did her day went bad instead make our day bad by fighting and annoying with her blabber.

Khushi: is it a joke?

Arnav: if you think...

Khushi: laad governor.

Arnav: sanki...

Shashi: Khushi, Arnav, behave...

Khushi: he started it.

Shashi: chup!!!

Khushi shut her mouth, seeing that Arnav smirked at her and passed a wink seeing her in the front mirror. She turned her face away.

Shashi: you didn't tell me how was your day?

Khushi: oh! Yes... guess what papa???? Today we had visitors to our college and they are from Paris. They are here to invite us to the international fashion show being held after 6months, and our college selected my team from our college. The competition will be held in Paris and the participants will be throughout the world. Isn't it amazing? I mean, I'm so excited.

The other two can see how much happy and excited she was for getting selected. They both looked at each other and smiled knowingly which she missed.

Shashi: congratulations!!!

Khushi: thank you papa... she hugged him from behind.

Arnav: congrats.

Khushi: thank you... she was about to hug him but stopped seeing Shashi. Arnav smiled at her and Khushi looked out shifting back to her place.

After reaching home, Khushi shouted everyone's name and expressed her happiness by hugging her ladies and said what happened in the college, hearing that all congratulated her.

After parking the car, he too entered in GR but stopped hearing her shouting and expressing he happiness out loud.

After having dinner Raizada brothers and the new member of Raizada left to Shantivan, following them Khushi too entered Shantivan.

Payal and Akash spent whole day in GR then went back to Shantivan. They didn't feel any difference of before marriage and after marriage but staying in a room, apart from that nothing has changed. They felt very grateful of that and especially, Payal.

Nani, Mami, Mama and Shyam were enjoying Dia's dancing.

Akash: hey!

Shyam: here comes the newlywed, seeing Arnav and Khushi, and to be weds.

Arnav ignored his tease and went up to keep his change.

Khushi: he is such a spoilsport.

Akash: ignore him. You know how he is.

Khushi: sometimes I doubt, if Di and him are siblings. I mean Di is so soft spoken, chill out person and he? Such an arrogant he is, no fun, nothing.

Arnav: really?

Khushi: ha... any doubt... without seeing the person she replied and when she turned recognizing the voice she smacked her head internally and looked at others to see them suppressing their smiles. Actually, other saw him coming down but no one cared to say anything as they have fun seeing their tom & jerry fight.

To avoid him she said from the beginning to all about her being selected to participate in the international fashion show. All congratulated her.

One by one all dispersed to their rooms, leaving the couples alone and within sometime Akash and Payal to bid bye and left to their room. Now only they both were left.

Arnav: so?

Khushi: so?

Arnav: hmm?

Khushi: good night then... she stood up but only to stop feeling his hold on her wrist.

Arnav: not so soon, baby.

Khushi's eyes popped out hearing baby word from him.

Arnav: what were you saying earlier?

Khushi: no..nothing...

Arnav: hmm? Something like arrogant, no fun... are me and Di actual siblings? Isn't it?

Khushi: Ar...rnaaavv.

Arnav: yes Khushi?

Arnav: you asked Payal about the mark on her neck right? Shall I do the honor to show how did it came?

Khushi: what? She tried getting his hand off of her but it got tighter and pulled her to him and hugged her from behind.

Arnav: come on, I have no problem in showing it or to say giving a demo...

Khushi: but I have. Leave me...

Arnav: no... saying he started breathing on her neck and kissing.

Khushi was having a hard time in breathing and also getting out from his grip but nothing she could do.

Arnav bit her lightly near her earlobe and hearing her hiss sound he satisfied and if he stood in that position with her then he won't be able to stop himself so he loosen his grip and she moved out from his grip, from him and from the house.

Khushi directly went to her room after locking the door and fell flat on the bed breathing hard. She looked in the mirror from there and saw a red mark on her fair complex skin; she blushed hard and buried her face on the pillow she slipped into a deep slumber.

Arnav had a hard time controlling his desires and cursed for losing his control and scaring her, he couldn't get how he lost in the tease and didn't realized when he carried away in the passion. Brushing all the thought he slipped on his bed and slept thinking about her blushing face.

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