Part 68

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After having breakfast Khushi left to her college as it their college was celebrating a farewell to their batch, she won't be getting another day like this after her colleges get completes so she went with her friends but not before asking anyone to pick her and up when she gives a ring.

At college, all the boys and girls were so excited for the day's event. It will be the most memorable event for all of them as that will be the last they all were getting together as otherwise they will be busy with their professional and personal works... all the juniors didn't leave chance for the negative marking on the decors, entertainment, food, music... they just wanted their seniors to remember this event forever by them. They were succeeded as all including faculty praised them for them for their hard work for making that event memorable.

Khushi with her friends went to meet the entire faculty to thank them for their wonderful guidance and support on each and everything. Then after bid bye to others they left.

After coming out of the hall, Khushi was about to give the ring to someone but before that she saw Arnav's car crossing the college gates and halted just before her. She smiled seeing him. She asked her friends to leave as they need to get their belongings from their places so she asked them to join her at her home on time.

Khushi: how come the great Arnav Singh Raizada got the time making it to here?

Arnav: shut up... he said looking at the road.

Arnav: Aman asked me to pick u up while going home...

Khushi: what do you mean by going home? Where were you before coming here?

Arnav: office. 

Khushi: you... I don't get it how come I have fallen for you?

Arnav: what the!!! He applied the brakes and halted the car on the side.

Khushi jerked from her seat for those unexpected brakes.

Khushi: are you mad? 

Arnav got down and saw that the tier got puncher.

Khushi too got down and saw the same. She saw Arnav calling someone but there was no signal... that made him frustrated.

Khushi: what are you waiting for? Change it... stepney nahi hain kya?

Arnav: hain. 

Khushi: then? 

Arnav: it's not my job to change it.

Khushi: what? Arnav... hold on... you don't know how to change it, do you?

Arnav looked here and there not meeting her eyes and turning other side...

Khushi was like LOL: how come I never got to know this about you?

Arnav: shut up... he shouted with irritation but she still didn't stop smiling.

Khushi took the key from the car then open the trunk to get the stepney. Arnav saw her struggling for carrying the tier.

Arnav: what are you doing? 

Khushi: which you are not... 

Arnav: what? 

Khushi: stop all your what's aside and help me out in taking this till there.

He took that out and placed near the front wheel; she took out the required equipment and came to the front. She tied her scarf across her shoulder and waist then started changing the tier.

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