Part 41

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Everyone who witnessed the before were dropped their jaws and was completely shocked with it. They never expected even in their dreams that this can be happened ever. NK was the first one to come to the reality and hit Aman to show him that everyone needs to express in words... but Aman just shook his head seeing NK. Anjali was completely shocked with what she witnessed because she never thought that this can be easy to control the ASR. 

On the other hand Arnav was completely lost in her seeing her smile though he realized that he confessed his love for her but not in a proper way. He thought seeing her sometimes she behaves like a kid and the other moment completely opposite to it. 

Khushi is just giving him the winning looks which he didn't care to notice. She did this to show him that no ASR can scare her because he was just Arnav when he will be with her.

Khushi : So, what happen to your "the ASR‟ dialogue?

Arnav just smiles at her and smirk and this definitely irked her, whenever he smirks at her she feels something and as of now when she won the challenge, she couldn't able to smile after seeing his smirk and he was very well aware of that.

Khushi : stop smirking at me. 

Arnav : Kyun? What happen? 

Khushi : kuch nahin. But don't do that and murmurs to herself „it feels like my heart beat raises not only when you are but seeing the smirk too. Because whenever do this something will definitely happen and that's feeling itself makes me blush and you will get a chance to tease me.

Arnav : did you say something? 

Khushi : No, nothing. 

Arnav he heard her out but not wanting to tease her in front for everyone, if he does then she won't spare him. He went back to his place and spins the bottle. Khushi too came back to her place and shows her tongue to him. He just smiles and sits in his place.

Everyone were just shocked seeing this side of Arnav as till day they never saw him with a girl until Khushi came but still they never saw how they behave when they were alone and this was completely not less than any shock. When the bottle pointed towards Aman and Sheetal, Khushi asked Aman to ask or make her do what he wants to. Hearing her they all come back to the reality and Aman smirks at Sheetal. 

Aman : So, what would you like to choose? 

Sheetal : don't get over excited. It's just a game. She was just faking her anger for his last minute changes in the plan.

Aman : whatever it may be. I can make you to do what I want. He says teasingly.

Sheetal : Shoot. 

Aman stood from his place and came to near to her and stood before and asked her to stand. Sheetal got little scared as he never talked to her in a stern tone not only with her but with anyone. He took her hand and kneeled down on one knee and held her hand

Aman : Will you dare to bare for your life long and give the chance to be call you as Mrs. Sheetal Aman Mathur?

Sheetal didn't even expect him to do this, she always wanted to be with him but he is very reserved and cultured that he didn't even take her on a date but they went for outings which he didn‟t call it as date. All of a sudden he proposed her for the marriage. What would she need more than this to her?

Sheetal : Yes. It was merely a whisper. 

NK : oye!! Her brother is here and you are proposing my sister in front of me? How dare you?

Lavanya : Really NK? So you remember that she is your sister?

NK : of course La. And you (Aman), you have to take my permission for what you want, do you get that?

Aman didn't even moved eyes from Sheetal and replied to NK : If your nonsense is over can you let your sister speak?

NK : what else you want to hear? She said yes

Aman : that doesn't make any sense. I want to hear it out completely.

Sheetal for the first time blushed hard that it looked like her whole body's blood just came to her face and stopped flowing.

Payal : now stop this blushing and answer him Sheetal. 

Sheetal : yes, I will dare to bare you for my entire life and will be... I would love to be called as Mrs. Aman Mathur. Sheetal Aman Mathur. 

He stood up and hugged her at first and then inserted the ring in her finger. She was completely shocked when she saw the ring because it was the ring she loved when they went to buy the ring for Lavanya and NK. She never thought that he would give her the same ring.

Aman : I know that day you liked this ring but you didn't say anything that so thought to surprise you by giving you this and propose you.

She hugged him tightly and said : I LOVE YOU Aman.

Arnav thought „was it that easy to say I love you?‟ 

Shyam and Akash recorded the whole scene being the silent spectrum.

After sometime all stood to go out and join the elders and give them the good news but Akash held Payal's hand and stopped her from going and kneeled in front of her.

Akash : will you marry me?

All knew that he was going to propose her today expect Payal. Khushi got to know this when mistakenly Arnav said it to her when they were at the garden sometime ago.

Khushi : What is this AK? 

Akash : Why? What happen Khushi? He was shocked to hear Khushi as he didn't expect this kind of reaction from anyone.

Khushi : or else What? Is this the way to propose a girl?

Akash : what do you mean? 

Khushi : at least say her why are you asking her to marry her?

Payal hit her and says : Khushi, what are you doing?

Khushi rubbing her arm : jiji, what am I doing, just asking him to propose you properly.

Payal : Khushi, no need to express in words when the actions speaks.

Khushi : waah!! AK. What have you done to her that she is reacting this way towards you?

Akash : The same which bhai did to you. He said with a smirk.

Khushi was tongue tied and looked at Arnav who till now enjoying the scene in front him and now amused to see that Akash is teasing her and when she looked at him he smirked at her and raised his eyebrows.

Akash : So, Ms. Payal Gupta? Will you give the honor to call you as Payal Akash Singh Raizada?
Payal was completely shocked to see him proposing her and was blushing highly to even nod her head.

Sheetal : now stop this blushing and answer him Payal.

Lavanya and Anjali busted into laughing seeing Payal and hi-fived with Sheetal, Khushi side hugged Payal and said 

Khushi : don't worry jiji, I'm with you. Come on say yes.

Payal for once closed her eyes tightly and sighed highly then looked at Akash controlling her raising heart beats : I will.

Akash puts the ring in her finger and kissed on her palm. 

Now in this whole batch only Arnav and Khushi were left but they has a lot of time to be engaged.

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