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AN: So this is based off a request by pandagirlunicorn2344 it's not exactly what you asked for but I think you'll still like it!

Ritchie and Brandon sighed as they saw Mario and David arguing once again. Honestly, at this point, their arguments were getting ridiculous. Not even threats of extreme dodge the lightning bolt could stop them at this point and the guild leaders weren't sure what to do. If they kept arguing like this, they would only be causing problems and that wasn't good. 

Unbeknownst to the two guild leaders, someone else had noticed how much the two argued and had decided to take matters into her own hands. 

Kit watched David and Mario argue from her seat at the guildhall. The two always argued and at this point, it was getting on her nerves. Honestly, they could barely go ten minutes without getting into some kind of argument and well, because of that she had borrowed something from Kay. 

If nothing else, it would hopefully teach them not to argue as much. 

Kit got up from her seat and walked towards the two. Ritchie and Brandon watched in curiousity as to what she would do but she paid them no mind. As she stood in front of her two arguing guildmates, she pulled something from her pocket. 

*snap* *snap*

David and Mario looked down at their hands startled as they felt something lock around their wrists. Both their eyes widened, their cheeks going a tiny bit red, as they saw what exactly Kit put on their wrists before they spun around to look at Kit. 

"Kit. Take it off. Now." Mario demanded but the girl just shook her head as she said. "Nope."

"Kit! This isn't funny, take it off right now!" David whined but she just shook her head once more. David, not one to give up, turned to their guild leaders and whined. "Brandon! Ritchie! Make her take the handcuffs off! I wanted to do a mission!"

"Well then you can take Mario with you, you two need to start getting along better." A smirk played on both Ritchie and Brandon's lips as they saw the two mages start to complain. "You two brought this upon yourselves with your constant arguing."

David huffed and marched off, making Mario yelp slightly as he was dragged along for the ride. 

While they both decided against going on any missions (due to the hazards connected with having to dodge with a person attached to you), they both still got on each other's nerves throughout the day. 

Finally, Mario dragged David to a bar saying that if he didn't do something, he'd be dragging around a dead body. And while the ice mage may not have thought that Mario could kill him, he wasn't going to take the chance considering that it would only take letting his guard down once more Mario to essentially stab him in the back. 

They walked into the bar and they both ordered a drink, though David could tell that the dragon slayer had ordered a stronger drink by the way he went soft after just a few sips. David snorted, as the dragon slayer moved so that he was against his side, Mario was honestly funny with how clingy he got when he was drunk. 

Looking down at the dragon slayer, David got a slight blush on his face. Why'd he have to be so cu- He shook the thought from his mind as he focused back on his drink. He didn't need to be thinking stuff like that. 

He quickly focused back on Mario, however, when he felt the weight against his side move away. The other had sat up and was now talking to a guy. David was surprised, he hadn't even heard the guy walk up, and he was right next to Mario! Then he heard what the other guy was saying. 

"-Could totally have some fun if you know what I mean." The guy flirted with the dragon slayer, who while being out of it, was looking at the guy (or at least David presumed so since he could only see the back of his head). 

David felt something rise in his chest and, with a soft growl, he used the handcuffs to his advantage and pulled Mario towards him and away from that guy. Mario let out an oof as he fell against him but before he could say another word, David was growling at the guy. "Touch him and we're going to have problems buddy, and I don't think you want to mess with a devil slayer."

The guy didn't look that scared until David mentioned the devil slayer part. That's when he high-tailed it out of there. David looked back down at Mario, who clearly wasn't as out of it as he had thought since he was staring up at him in surprise. 

"Not that I'm not happy that you did that, considering that guy was a creep, but why?" Mario asked in confusion, a slight blush on his face. 

This blush didn't go unnoticed by David but the ice mage took it as the dragon slayer just being drunk. He didn't answer the question at first either, but that was mostly because he didn't know why he had reacted like that. It wasn't like he cared if Mario went out with another guy... did he?

"David!" David was snapped out of his thoughts as a pair of fingers was snapped in front of his face. "Answer my question."

"Look rocks for brains, I'm not into threesomes and with us handcuffed together that's exactly what that would have turned into." David didn't know why he said that but he did notice that Mario flushed a bright red at that before he managed to stutter out. "B-but why'd you s-say it like that?"

"Like what?" David raised an eyebrow. 

"You were all like: touch him and you're gonna die, buddy. Like seriously, what was that about?" Mario asked getting frustrating that David was avoiding his question. 

"No one gets to touch you like that." David didn't know where those words had come from but hearing them out loud, his cheeks tinged red. 

"Ok, maybe with the handcuffs on, but otherwise, that's not your call to make," Mario told him with a slight glare. David decided to glare back as he repeated himself. "No, either way, no one gets to touch you like that."

"Oh? And why exactly is that?" Mario asked raising an eyebrow at the ice mage. 

David didn't know what he was doing but, hearing that question, he used the handcuff to pull Mario closer to him before he kissed him on the lips. The kiss only lasted maybe a minute but to them, it seemed to last a lot longer. 

When they broke apart, the only thing that was said was: 

"That's why."

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