The Biggest Shipper

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Now, in the guilds of Atlantide, there were many shippers. 

Some, like Bryan and Jakey, shipped but did so subtly. They didn't make a big deal out of ships other than to congratulate a couple when it formed or going awww when a couple did cute things together.

Others, such as Kit, Kay, Lo Pho, and Tapio, shipped people hardcore. They squealed and plotted to get different ships together and stalked dates between cute couples. 

Then there were the people who most guilds would agree were the biggest shippers of all: The guild leaders. They shipped people to the point where they got together to exchange the latest gossip on ships as well as pictures. They had actually gotten fined once for doing so without people's permission but did that stop them? No. They continued to ship even more hardcore than those previously mentioned. 

However, they were still not the biggest shippers out of all the guilds. No. The true biggest shipper had hidden the fact away from everyone. Even his boyfriend didn't know of how much he shipped people. 

This person not only shipped people big time, spying on dates, taking photos in secret, etc, etc. He also wrote fanfiction. A lot of fanfiction. Even some fanfiction that didn't have to do with the ships that already existed in their world. Heck, he wrote so much that he started posting to this fanfiction forum called Magepad where he shared the cute shippy stories that he wrote with the rest of Atlantide. 

Despite this, no one actually knew about his extreme shippiness. He acted really innocent when people brought up shipping to the point where people, AKA his brothers and Seek, actively tried to hide the insanity of shippers away from him. Not to mention, he hid most of his fanfiction work outside of Magepad in the shadows, meaning Michael would be the only one who could find it and the guild leader had no reason to expect that he would be a shipper. 

The only one who could tell was Zata and while Zata didn't really like him, Zata thought it was funny that everyone was falling for Colin's innocent act when it came to shipping and, surprisingly, the dragon soul also enjoyed shipping. It was the only real common ground the two had. 

Then again. It only takes one slip up to reveal all. 

Colin was sitting in the guildhall playing chess with Seek, Mitch was polishing his scythe as Pat polished his gun and Bren was drinking like there was no tomorrow when Michael walked into the guildhall acting all smiley. 

"What's got you in such a good mood boss?" Pat asked curiously. 

"Tapio and Lo Pho finally got together! They're such an adorable couple." The guild leader gushed happily, as he no longer hid that he was a shipper to the rest of the guild after getting fined. 

Most of the guild just nodded at that, already used to their guild leader's shipping ways but they were completely blindsided as Colin squealed and said. "OMG! I've been waiting for SunTree to become a thing forever! Awwww! So cute!"

Everyone blinked turning to Colin who continued to squeal for a moment before noticing the looks directed at him. He went pale and asked. "I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did, love." Seek said dryly. 

"I thought you barely knew what the whole shipping thing was?" Mitch asked raising an eyebrow at him. 

"I-" "HA! The looks on your faces!""Zata, shush!" Colin tried to quiet the dragon soul inside him. "No. Honestly, I'm still surprised they didn't figure it out sooner."

"You're a shipper?" Seek asked, still surprised. 

"Not only is he a shipper but I can bet you that he's a bigger shipper than your guild leader." Zata laughed even as Colin tried once more to quiet him. "Zata, shush!" "What? You know its true. Even that god slayer doesn't write fanfiction for his ships."

There was dead silence as everyone stared at Colin in absolute shock from what Zata just said. Colin for his part was beet red as he buried his head in his hands. 

"You write fanfiction?" Everyone asked at once, even Michael wasn't that big of a shipper.

"...Maybe." Colin scratched the back of his neck as he admitted it. 

"... How much?" Michael was the first to ask. 

"To the point where you and the other guild leaders selling pictures of ships doesn't seem too bad," Zata answered for him before adding. "You can look some of it up on, just look up DragonPrincey."


"... I've got to see this." Michael said, most of the guild agreeing as they went to grab a laptop. 

Colin took this as an opportunity to escape through the shadows before they found the more questionable fanfics (as in fanfictions with ships that will never happen).

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