Kidnapped and Rescued

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AN: This one-shot was suggested by Ashl0390

Lukas was nearly bouncing as he approached the docks. He and Brandon had an 'important mission' to go on today. Of course, that was just a cover really, in all actuality, they had a date planned. 

Soon after Lukas had joined the guild, he had started developing feelings for the white-haired guild leader. At the time, he hadn't thought Brandon would like him back so he didn't say anything. Then one night, when he had been drinking at the bar in the guildhall, Brandon had come up to him and sat down next to him. And in his drunken state, he had started giving the guild leader a lot of compliments. 

While some may have taken that as just the random babblings of a drunken person, cause yeah he was wasted, the thing was, Lukas meant every word. When Brandon had mentioned that he had said some things while drunk, the memories came flooding back and he had gone bright red as he tried to stutter out some excuses. 

Up until Brandon had shut him up by kissing him. 

Now the two of them were dating but they had decided to keep it secret for now. Sure it was a little difficult considering how they had to sneak around a lot and makeup excuses, but both he and Brandon agreed that as long as they had each other, it didn't matter the obstacles. 

Lukas arrived at the docks and sat down at the edge, dipping his feet into the water as he waited for Brandon to arrive. After a few minutes, he heard footsteps walking up the dock. He turned and started to greet his boyfriend only to stop halfway through his greeting. "Hey, 'bout time you- Brandon?"

The person in front of him looked like Brandon... kind of? At the same time, it was clear that he wasn't his Brandon. The eyepatch, the clothes, the insane glint in his eyes. 

"Why yes, though maybe not the one you're used to~" The Brandon-look-alike said before stepping forward. "I wonder how my counterpart will react to me taking you~"

Lukas' eyes went wide but before he could say anything, he was knocked out.


Brandon smiled as he made his way to the docks. While his brother had held him up a little bit, he was in too good a mood to be too upset. He couldn't wait for his date with his raindrop.

Upon reaching the docks, he was surprised to see that Lukas wasn't there. Strange. Sure he was a little late, but not late enough for Lukas to go looking for him. He walked to the end of the docks to see if maybe his little raindrop was trying to scare him by coming from the water.

That's when he saw it.

Pinned to the dock was a note. Curious, Brandon walked over and unpinned the note before reading it. As he got further and further into the note, his grip tightened until he accidentally ripped the note in two from how angry he was. Over his head, a storm started brewing as he stared at the pieces of note in his hands in anger.

Before too long, he felt his brother storm blink beside him. He was probably concerned over the storm.

"Brother! What's wrong?" Ritchie asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

Brandon didn't immediately respond, instead, he gestured to the note in his hands. Curiously, Ritchie pried the note from his twin's fingers, his eyes going wide as he read it.

My dear counterpart~ How are you? I'm good thanks! I just thought I would let you know that I picked up your little boyfriend for you! Don't worry I'll take good care of little Boat~ Anyways, have a nice day! ~ Your Counterpart

Ritchie looked at his brother, about to ask about why he hadn't told him he had a boyfriend, but he stopped when he noticed how much his twin's face had darkened as well as the sky. He could ask about this secret relationship later, for now, he had to calm Brandon down before he brought the storm on the wrong people. 

"Brandon, I need you to calm down. I understand that you're angry but you need to calm down before you call the storm on the wrong people." Ritchie said putting his hands on both of his twin's shoulders. 

"He took him, Ritchie, he took him." Brandon was furious, the clouds getting even darker in the sky. 

"I know he did, but getting angry doesn't help you get him back." Ritchie shook his twin a little bit as he said. "So calm down before you hurt somebody."

Brandon took a deep breath before nodding, his eyes showing the storm brewing inside him even as the storm outside started to clear. Ritchie sighed in relief as he pulled his twin into a hug. They stayed like that for a little bit and when Ritchie finally backed away, the skies were clear. 

"Let's go find him," Ritchie told his brother, who nodded, his teeth clenched at the thought of what could be happening to his boyfriend right now. 


It had taken Ritchie and Brandon a few hours to find out where his counterpart was keeping Lukas. It hadn't been easy by no means, especially with how much more worried Brandon got with each moment they hadn't found him. 

When they finally arrived, Ritchie barely had time to blink before Brandon was blowing the door in. It shocked him really, he had never seen his twin act so rashly, but then again, Brandon had never had a boyfriend before either. Ritchie followed behind his twin, taking care of the small fry as Brandon stormed through the building.

Lukas was in agony. He was chained to the floor of a room while Brandon's counterpart took a knife to his skin. He nearly howled in pain as something was carved into his arm. Just as the knife was pulled away from his body, a sick smile on the fake's face, he was suddenly knocked down on his back. 

Lukas looked up, startled, only for his look of fear to quickly change into one of relief. Standing at the entrance was Brandon. And not the fake, not the twisted version who had tortured him, it was his Brandon. He heard rustling from the side where the lookalike had fallen and he stiffened in fear. 

In an instant, Brandon had his counterpart the throat, a storm more than brewing in his eyes before he sent the lookalike flying into and through the wall. 

Brandon nodded at the indent in the wall before he turned and ran over to Lukas. He blasted through the chains that held him to the floor before gently picking the god slayer up in his arms. Lukas gave him a weak smile before he passed out in his boyfriend's arms from the blood loss. 

Brandon placed a kiss on his forehead before heading out of the base, grabbing Ritchie on the way. He didn't care that there were bound to be questions about the two of them after this, all he cared was that Lukas was safe in his arms once more. 

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