Meeting le Tired Guild Leader's Boyfriend

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AN: So this is a one-shot I wrote a while ago so it's not up to speed with canon but it's still a cute little one-shot. 

Michael groaned as he sat down in the guildhall. Once again he had another sleepless night. His guild looked over at him but they wisely decided not to bother their obviously cranky guild master. Michael rubbed his temples trying to recover from his night. Couldn't he just sleep without nightmares for once in his life?

He smiled when his second came and gave him a cup of coffee. Thanking him quietly, he sipped on the coffee which helped with some of the tiredness he felt. Then his second asked. "Let me guess, did the nightmares keep you up again?"

"As always." He confirmed.

"Do you want me to tell the rest of the guild not to bother you today unless needed?" He asked.

"If you would, that would be appreciated." He nodded his assent. His second nodded and went to talk to the rest of the guild.

About an hour later, the rest of the guild was surprised as someone walked into the guild. They had never seen this person before, though he did look vaguely familiar like they had seen him at an event of some kind.

"Can I help you?" The second in command asked.

"Hi, I'm looking for Michael?" He greeted.

"He said not to bother him today unless needed." The second told him.

"Not to mention, he's in a really grumpy mood." Mitch cut in.

"He won't mind me talking to him." The stranger told them.

"I wouldn't-" Triggerfinger started to say before the stranger somehow teleported behind them and into the guildhall.

"If you think, you're gonna off our guild maste-" Seakahhh started to say only for the stranger to say. "I have no intention of doing anything of the sort."

They tried to stop him but he teleported again and this time he was right next to their guild master.

"Heya~" The stranger said and the guild watched with bated breath before...

"Gah! Ritchie, what are you doing here?" The guild was surprised at their guild master's reaction, Michael knew this guy?

"We were supposed to meet up today." The redhead said as he sat down next to their guild master. "Care to explain, love?"

Love? was the question screaming through the guild member's minds.

"I-I forgot..." Michael admitted rubbing his temples. "I'm just so tired..."

"Another bad night?" Ritchie cooed putting an arm around his waist. Michael nodded as he curled into his side.

The guild members stared at the two in shock. They hadn't even known that their guild master had a... boyfriend? Lover? They didn't quite know but still, the point was they hadn't known. Michael obviously felt the eyes on them and pulled himself away from Ritchie's side to say. "Stop staring! Yes, this is my boyfriend. Yes, I cuddle with him. No, I won't tell you more about him. And no, this is none of your business."

They blinked in surprise even as Michael buried himself back into Ritchie's side. Ritchie chuckled at Michael before introducing himself. "Ritchie Diablos, one of the leaders of Divinus Magia, and Michael's boyfriend."

"Since when?" The second was honestly curious.

"A little over a year," Ritchie told them.

"Wait if you've been dating for over a year, how come we didn't know?" Mitch asked looking very confused.

"My personal life is none of your business," Michael grumbled from his spot.

"Yeah, he insists on keeping personal business and guild business separate." Ritchie nodded kissing the top of his head.

"No offense but if you hadn't teleported like you did, then one of us probably would've attacked you as we didn't know who you were." Triggerfinger pointed out.

"And all of you would've been beaten up," Michael told them flatly. 

"All of us?" Mitch asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, Ritchie here is quite strong. On the same level as me." Their eyes widened at that. They had heard the redhead say he was a guild master but they didn't realize it meant he was on par with their own guild master. "Though he only wins a fight with me when he cheats."

"I don't cheat." Ritchie protested.

"Yes, you do," Michael said firmly.

"Kissing you in the middle of a fight does not count as cheating." Ritchie protested.

"Yes, it does," Michael said, his cheeks on fire.

"No, it doesn't."

The guild watched the two guild masters arguing about this and just thought to themselves, that things would be interesting now that they knew about the couple.

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