The Happiest Night of their Lives

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AN: Pre-established Brakey. 

Bryan was so nervous. His hands were shakey and he could feel the sweat running down the back of his neck. But at the same time, he was excited. He couldn't wait for this date and what might come of it.

He stood in front of Jakey's house in a nice outfit, but not too nice, no, the place they'd be going to wouldn't be a fancy restaurant or anything. He rang the doorbell and his breath nearly caught in his throat. Jakey always looked beautiful to him but today he looked absolutely stunning. Even if he wasn't dressed up in anything fancy, he was just... beautiful. 

He must have been staring because the next thing he knew, Jakey was trying to get his attention. 

"Earth to Bryan, do you read me?" Jakey cooed at him teasingly. In response, Bryan grabbed him around the waist and lifted him up slightly. "Read you loud and clear, babe."

Jakey blushed a little but wrapped his arms around Bryan's neck and kissed him. Bryan happily kissed back before pulling away and taking Jakey's hand. He began leading him away to an area he had set up just for their date, a little picnic with lanterns set up around them. 

The two laughed and talked all evening until the fireflies began to come out with their blinking lights. 

It was time. 

Bryan stood up from the picnic blanket before holding his hand out to Jakey. Jakey while confused, took his hand and followed him as he led him over to a path of unlit lanterns. As they walked through the path, Bryan lit up the lanterns with his magic until they finally reached the end where there was a group of lanterns setup. When Bryan lit these lanterns up, Jakey could see that they were in the shape of a heart. 

Jakey was distracted by the lanterns up until Bryan took his hands in his own. The bluenette turned to face his boyfriend even as Bryan began to speak. 

"Jakey, can I tell you something?"

"Of course, Bryan, what is it?" Jakey said looking at his boyfriend in slight concern as he could hear the nervousness in his voice before he saw the look in Bryan's eyes as he began to speak.

"Jakey, these past few months with you have been some of the best of my life. Sure, we've had some arguments and fights but we always got through them, always together. You've made me smile when I was sad and you've made me laugh when I felt like all I could do was cry. I love the way you get all nervous and tongue-tied and I love the way you make me feel."

"B-Bryan." Jakey was touched by everything the dragon slayer was saying but he couldn't anticipate what would happen next. 

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you, Jakey," Bryan said before letting go of the time mage's hands. Jakey was confused for only a moment before Bryan got down on one knee as he brought out a small black box. "And I wanted to know if you would make me the happiest man alive and... marry me?"

Jakey couldn't contain the tears that welled up in his eyes even as he sprang forward to leap into Bryan's arms. 

"YES! A thousand times yes!" The bluenette nearly screamed even as he pulled Bryan into a kiss. 

Bryan smiled into the kiss before pulling away to slide the ring onto Jakey's finger. They smiled at each other before kissing once more. 

This had to be the happiest night of their lives. 

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