I'm Going to Find Him

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The entire guild was in shambles. Maybe not physically, but Lukas could see the emotional state that the most recent turn of events had left them in. 

The mood change was evident in everyone. David had been more sassy than usual, probably trying to lighten the mood but failing miserably. Inmo barely spoke to anyone unless it was neccessary. Kit was constantly trying not to burst into tears. Mario no longer had the heart to retort to any of David's sass. Even Tapio was downtrodden. 

Worst off was Ritchie. He and the others practically had to force him to eat and sleep instead of focusing on stuff for the guild. While they were happy that he wasn't off laying in bed staring at the ceiling after his brother had gone missing, the way he was handling it still wasn't healthy. At the same time, Ritchie couldn't leave the guild to fend for themselves while he went in search for his brother, he had to take care of the guild. 

Lukas himself wasn't handling the loss of Brandon very well. He had been in love with the white haired guild leader after all. Maybe not dating him, but he had been in love. He missed him greatly. 

Which was what led him here, standing next to the ladder that led up to Ritchie and- just Ritchie's office for now. On his back, he had a pack filled with supplies and in his head he carried a mission. Either way, he was going, this was just so that Ritchie would know that he hadn't just disappeared as well. 

With a deep breath, he climbed the ladder, only to find the bluenette almost falling asleep at his desk. The instant he stepped forward however, Ritchie snapped awake to look at him, though he was surprised when Lukas approached him. 

"Lukas? Something wrong?" Ritchie asked before he noticed the bag. "What's with the bag?"

"I'm gonna be gone for the next couple of months." Ritchie's eyes widened and he started to protest, but then Lukas held up his hand. "Trust me, if there was another way, I would take it in a heart beat."

"May I ask why then?" Ritchie asked raising an eyebrow. 

Lukas looked Ritchie in the eye and said. "I'm going to find him."

Ritchie's eyes went as round as saucers. "Lukas-"

"The guild is falling apart without him. Inmo and Mario barely speak or react anymore, Kit's always close to tears, and you, you're running yourself into the ground, Ritchie." Lukas told the guild leader sternly before his voice softened and he said. "I know you want to look for yourself, but for Divinus Magia to stay alive, we need you here. So I'm going to search for him and I'm gonna bring him home."

Ritchie stared at him for a moment before he nodded, a look of hope returning to his eyes as he said. "I want weekly reports."

"I'll take a communication lacrima." Lukas nodded, making Ritchie nod as well. 

With that being said, Lukas left the office and started heading towards the docks. When he was almost halfway there, he bumped into Mario, who raised an eyebrow at him. "Where are you going?"

Lukas took one look at the dead eyed dragon slayer, before saying. "I'm going to find him."

Looking him in the eye, Lukas could see a little flare of hope in the dragon slayer's eye just as there had been for Ritchie. Mario nodded at him before saying. "I'll tell David where you went."

Hopefully, the news that he was going to find Brandon would mean that the guild would get some of their spark back. Either way, he was going to find the devil slayer and bring him home. 

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