Teardrops on my Guitar

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AN: This chapter includes lyrics from a song called Teardrops on my guitar, I do not own it: Teardrops on my Guitar is by Taylor Swift

Jakey was going to the kitchen in the Protector's guildhall when he heard the sound of voices by the job boards. Getting curious, he walked over to listen, only to stop behind a pillar when he heard who was talking and more specifically, what they were talking about. 

"Yeah! You should totally go for it, Bryan, you two would make such a cute couple." Kay was telling the fire mage, making Jakey freeze. Who were they talking about?

"You really think so?" Bryan asked with a grin. 

"Yeah, I don't know how he could say no to you." Kay nodded. "Just go and ask him."

B-bryan was going to ask somebody out? He felt his heartbreak a little inside. He had thought that maybe the dragon slayer liked him, but of course, he didn't. Who would like a stuttering, disappointment of a time mage like him?

"Of course! Thanks, Kay, I don't know if I would have the courage if it wasn't for you." Bryan told the animorph mage with a smile, making Jakey's heartbreak even further.

"You're welcome, Bryan, now go get your man!" Kay said shooing him off. The dragon slayer nodded before nearly running off, Kay following a few minutes later.

Jakey, for his part, slowly slid down to the floor in heartbreak. He held his knees against his chest as he began to cry. Of course, Bryan didn't like him back, of course, he didn't. That was just wishful thinking on his part.  

He didn't know how long he had sat there before he decided to take out his guitar. Nobody was around and music always cheered him up so why not. He started strumming his guitar but when it came time to actually start singing the lyrics, only one song came to mind. 

Bryan looks at me,
I fake a smile so he won't see,
What I want, what I need,
And everything that we should be,
I'll bet he's wonderful,
That guy he talks about,
And he's got everything that I've had to live without,

Bryan talks to me,
And I laugh 'cause it's just so funny,
That I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me,
He says he's so in love,

For a second, Jakey thought he heard something like a thump, but he quickly dismissed it, thinking it was nothing as he sang on.

He's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night,

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star,
He's the song I keep singing, don't know why I do

Bryan walks by me,
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could b-"

Before he can continue, he hears a louder thump than before. This time, he stops and looks around only for his eyes to go wide. There, standing almost behind a pillar, was Bryan who had an equally wide-eyed look on his face. 

Jakey could only stare before Bryan made a move to step forward. The second that he did that though, the time mage shot up and tried to run. Before he could get very far, however, he felt arms wrapping around him. He tried to escape, he couldn't believe Bryan had heard him, but the fire dragon slayer wouldn't let go. 

"Jakey stop!" Bryan said as he held onto the time mage. "Do you really feel like that? About me?"

"W-would it even matter if I did?" Was all Jakey could say, making Bryan go. "Huh?"

With tears starting to slide down his cheeks, Jakey turned to face Bryan. The dragon slayer's eyes went wide seeing the tears even as Jakey started to speak. "I-I heard you talking to Kay, I know you were going to ask s-someone out, so it doesn't really m-matter how I feel, does it?"

Bryan's eyes went wide and he started to say something but Jakey just shook his head. "J-ust forget you ever h-heard anything, alright Bryan? I'm j-just gonna go-"

"Jakey, stop, please." Jakey shook his head as he managed to get out of Bryan's grip, intent on running away like he had planned in the first place. 

Before he could get very far however, Bryan grabbed his wrist and pulled him back so that he was against his chest. Their faces were maybe an inch away from each other as they stared into each other's eyes. Jakey went to pull away but before he was able to do it, Bryan leaned forward and locked their lips together. 

Jakey's eyes went wide with shock. Why was- why would Bryan kiss him? He liked somebody else, didn't he? Didn't he? He didn't understand!

When Bryan finally back away, he pulled Jakey into a hug and said. "Yes, I was going to ask someone out. But clearly you didn't hear the part where I told her that I wanted to ask YOU out."

Jakey's eyes went wide. "Y-you wanted to ask me out?"

"Why wouldn't I want to ask the most adorable boy I know out?" A blush colored Jakey's cheeks even as he stuttered out. "Why would you with my s-stutter and my l-lack of control with my p-powers-"

Before Jakey could say another word, Bryan kissed him to shut him up. When the dragon slayer pulled away the second time, he told the time mage. "You are amazing, Jakey, there's no one in this world I'd rather go out with, so-" Here Bryan stopped and offered him a shy smile and his hand. "Would you go on a date with me?"

Jakey blushed and took Bryan's hand, saying. "Of c-course."

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