Impromptu Double Date

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Pat and Mitch met up at the edge of Atlantide, Pat holding a checkered blanket and a basket while Mitch was carrying a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice. Upon seeing the other, they both grinned before the dragon slayer grabbed the gunslinger's hand and started leading the way. 

While they had both planned this picnic, Mitch was the one who had picked out the spot. It was his favorite place to relax back from when he was still a Coin and very secluded. He was pretty sure that besides him, maybe two people at most even knew about it. So it was the perfect place for the two to have their date. 

Arriving at Mitch's little hideaway, the dragon slayer led his boyfriend underneath a beautiful willow tree with a shy smile. Pat chuckled at his boyfriend's shyness as he placed a small kiss on his cheek before setting out the blanket, placing the picnic basket on top. 

Sitting down, Pat pulled Mitch down so that the bluenette was sat in his lap, a light blush dusting his face even as he snuggled against Pat's chest. 

The two talked and bantered for what seemed to be forever even as they ate from their basket, Pat feeding Mitch tiny morsels of food from time to time. They were having a wonderful time, up until they heard the crunch of footsteps coming their way. 


Silver smiled as he dragged Bri along the path. He had finally gotten her to go out on a date with him and while he was nervous, he was also really excited. He had the perfect place planned out. It was a secluded area that only he, Reaper, and a couple members of the original Wandering Coins knew about. 

They rounded the corner only to stop as their eyes met with two other pairs of eyes. The two couples stared at each other before Mitch asked. "Picnic date?"

"Picnic date." Silver nodded as both Bri and Pat looked at them in confusion.

"Well, you see, Reaper's the one who showed us this place." Mitch started to explain at the confused looks. 

"And he always said that if we ever got a significant other that this would be the perfect place  to take them on a picnic." Silver finished before adding with a sheepish smile. "I'm guessing we had the same idea?"

"Apparently so." Mitch sighed.

"Well, we wouldn't want to intrude on your time together so I guess we'll come back another ti-" Before Silver could finish, Mitch interrupted him. "No, no, we've been here a while, we can just finish up our date and you could have yours-" Silver shook his head. "I wouldn't want to rush you or anythin-" Mitch interrupted him again. "And I don't want you to cancel your first date in a long tim-" 

As the two argued, Pat and Bri shared a look over their boyfriends' shoulders. They seemed to have a bit of mental communication before Bri grabbed Silver's hand and dragged him over to the blanket, Pat moving over to let them have some space. Both Silver and Mitch looked at their girlfriend/boyfriend in surprise. 

"Since you two can't make up your minds." Bri began looking at her boyfriend. 

"We've decided to turn this into a double date." Pat finished even as both Silver and Mitch blinked in surprise. The two former guildmates thought about it for a moment before they nodded hesitantly to having a double date instead of a single one. 

The double date turned out to be a lot of fun though both Pat and Bri were surprised at how much their boyfriends laughed and teased each other about different things. It was like they were best friends or something. 

"Well, you know how I used to be a member of the Wandering Coins right?" Mitch asked when Pat commented on it, making him nod. "Well, back before I left, me and Silver used to take on a lot of missions together."

"Yeah, we were like partners, we were called the Silver Snakes back at the guild and everyone knew we weren't to be messed with." Silver added with a fond smile. 

"Soooooo what happened?" Bri asked curiously, Pat looking just as curious. 

"Well Reaper decided to up my training, and I started to go on less and less missions." Silver admitted. 

"And then when Reaper died, I... I just couldn't bring myself to stay." Mitch said sadly, making Pat cuddle him closer. 

The four drifted off into a bit of an awkward silence, nobody knowing what to say before Silver decided to ask. "So Snake, how'd you and Triggerfinger over there get together? I'd have to say, it's a cute ship that I'm surprised Michael hasn't brought up."

"Why would Michael bring up ships?" Mitch asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Us guild leaders like to get together and gossip about the ships in our guilds, especially Ritchie and Michael. Though Michael usually just complains about the only cute ship in Grimshade being Solin." Bri explained. 

Mitch and Pat looked at each other in surprise before Pat looked over at them and said. "We're keeping our relationship secret for now as my little Snek is a little shy."

"Patttttttt." Mitch whined at the use of the nickname. 

"What, if you weren't shy about it, I'd sing to the whole world about you being my little snek." Pat cooed down at Mitch. 

"Awwww." Mitch shot a glare over at Silver who just smirked at the dragon slayer. 

"But yeah, that's why you probably haven't heard about it." Pat said, getting back on topic, before adding. "So if you could, please don't tell anyone about this?"

Bri and Silver looked at each other before nodding their assent. 

The rest of the evening went well, they talked, laughed, went through an entire bottle of champagne (Pat ended up having to carry Mitch while Bri supported Austin), and just, in general, had fun. When they parted ways, both couples could agree that it had been fun to go on a double date, even if it wasn't intentional. 

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