Incorrect Quotes (part 2)

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Mario: I can't believe we're stuck in this room together. 

David, swallowing the key: Truly unfortunate. 


Mitch: What happens if I bring a knife to therapy?

Pat: You'll get arrested so let's not do that. 


Bryan, getting home: Hello people who do not live here. 

Mitch: Hey

Mario: Hi

Bryan: I gave you the key for emergencies. 

Colin: We were out of Doritos.


Bri: You don't think I can fight because I'm a girl.

Michael: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what its worth, I don't think Silver can fight in that dress either. 

Silver: Maybe not. But I would make a radiant bride. 


Lo Pho: Why are Bryan and Jakey sitting with their backs to each other?

Kay: They had a fight. 

Lo Pho: Then why are they holding hands?

Kay: They get sad when they fight. 


Silver: Since it's impossible to know which part of my life is the middle. 

Silver: I've decided to have an ongoing crisis. 


Kay: Hey Jakey! Are you busy this Friday around 8 pm?

Jakey: I... no? I think I'm not, why?

Kay, looks over at Bryan: What about you?

Bryan: Nah, I'm all free.

Kay: Nice! I'm actually quite busy that day so how about you two go on a date, yeah? Nice! *casually leaves*

Bryan: Did she just?


Seek: Is anyone else scared?

Colin: Not really, I've already lived longer than I expected. 


Lukas: I didn't drink that much last night. 

David: You were flirting with Brandon.

Lukas: So what? He's my boyfriend!

David: You asked him if he was single...

David: And then cried when he said that he wasn't. 


Evil Brandon: How come whenever I have fun its considered wrong?

Eden: People die when you have fun. 


Colin: Are you a cuddler?

Mitch: I AM A MACHINE OF DEATH AND DESTRUC- yeah I'm a cuddler.


Bryan: I am the most responsible person in the group.

Kay: But you just set the kitchen on fire?

Bryan: Yes and I take full responsibility for that. 


Michael: I don't have a crush on Ritchie.

Michael: He's just someone I like to stare at and like and when he's not here it ruins my day. 


David: Mario, what would you do if the Garden kidnapped me?

Mario: Wait for 30 minutes until they let you go voluntarily. 


Colin: Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?

Mitch: I'm a knife. 

Pat, from across the room: He's a little spoon. 


Ritchie: Do you want to see something funny?

David: Okay. 

Ritchie: Shout. 

David: *shouts*

*nothing happens*

Ritchie: *shouts*

Michael and Brandon, rushing through the door: OMG Ritchie, is everything alright? Are you hurt?

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