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AN: This one-shot was suggested by Storm_Allen!

Mitch smiled softly as he snuck out of the Grimshade guildhall. He could've just said he had a mission but for once he didn't want to have to make up that excuse, especially today when Michael or Bren could try and delay him. Taking a small skiff from the docks, Mitch set sail for Atlantide in excitement.

Arriving at the docks of Atlantide, Mitch looked around to see if he could spot Pat. Yes, he said Pat. You see, Pat had been away visiting his family, his parents, plus his baby brother and sister, so that he could see how they were doing. He had left a week ago, and honestly, the dragon slayer was glad that he was almost back home. He missed his gunslinger.

The bluenette was so busy looking for Pat, that he didn't notice someone sneaking up behind him until they grabbed his shoulders. Mitch tried to spin around but was unsuccessful as whoever it was had a tight grip on his shoulders and wasn't letting go.

Mitch tried to struggle away up until the stranger leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "Did my little snek miss me?"

He froze as he recognized the voice before leaning back in the stranger's hold. "D*mn right, I did, but did you have to scare me like that?"

"No, but hey, it was funny to see the big bad dragon slayer jump like that." Pat let out a chuckle before he kissed the side of Mitch's head.

"Oh shush you," Mitch told him before Pat spun him around so that they could face each other, Mitch looking up into the gunslinger's eyes as Pat looked down into his. 

"Hi." He greeted. 

"Hi," Pat repeated before asking. "How's my little snek?"

Mitch blushed a tiny bit before he looped his arms around Pat's neck and said. "Better now that you're back. You?"

"I get to see your pretty face again, I'm fantastic." Mitch blushed a deeper red but before he could attempt to hide his face, Pat leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips. 

Not one to stand just a tiny kiss like that, Mitch leaned up and pulled Pat into a proper kiss, kissing the gunslinger for all he was worth. When they parted, they were both panting but they both had happy grins on their faces. 

"I missed you so much," Mitch said as they pulled away from each other. 

"I missed you too." Pat cooed at him before asking. "Anything interesting happen at the guild while I was gone?"

"Not much really, there is a whole love triangle thing going on but other than that, nothing much." Mitch shrugged. 

"Love triangle?" Pat asked, honestly surprised. 

"Apparently both Lilly and Seek like Colin but he can't choose between them so both of them are competing for his affection right now. It's entertaining to watch." Mitch explained. 

"I am interested to see how that pans out, to be honest," Pat admitted. 

"Just wait until you actually see it in action, as much as I hate to say it, it's adorable how they're acting around him," Mitch assured him with a smile. 

"Well, I'm glad I don't have to compete for you, my little snek." Pat said as he pulled him closer by the hips, making Mitch squeak a little at the sudden action. "Especially when you squeak like that."

Mitch blushed as he buried his face against Pat's chest, making the purple-haired male laugh as he tightened his grip around the dragon slayer. After a few minutes, Mitch looked up and said. "Glad you're back, love you."

"Love you too, my little snek." Pat cooed as he placed another kiss to the dragon slayer's head. Mitch smiled at the little kiss as he reburied his head into Pat's chest, content to be in his boyfriend's arms once more. 

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