Meeting his Boyfriend's Twin

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AN: Here's sort of a part 2 to Meeting Le Tired Guildleader's Boyfriend, sort of a different perspective to it. 

Michael was exceedingly nervous. He had started dating Ritchie Diablos two weeks ago and now he was going to meet his brother. Sure he had met Brandon at guild leader meetings but other than that he had little interaction with the guy. And now he was meeting him in the capacity of being Ritchie's, Brandon's twin, boyfriend. He couldn't help it, his nerves were on fire.

He felt arms wrap around him. Turning he already knew it was his boyfriend. The second he locked eyes with the bluenette, he cuddled into his chest, trying to calm down. Ritchie seemed to pick up on his nervousness as he lifted his head a little and asked. "What's wrong love?"

Michael was silent for a moment before he asked. "What if he doesn't like me?"

"Ah come now, Brandon likes you well enough." Ritchie tried to comfort him. "He's met you at meetings, not to mention, I talked about you all the time."

Michael blushed at that even as Ritchie continued. "He can't wait to meet you, you shouldn't be afraid of him not liking you."

"He hasn't met me as your boyfriend though. What if we talk and he ends up thinking I'm not good for you?" Michael couldn't help but worry.

"Shh, he'll love you. I know it." Ritchie said placing a kiss to Michael's forehead before picking him up bridal style. "R-ritchie!"

Ritchie just smirked at him before blinking them both away. It took a few minutes for them to arrive as Ritchie had to make a few stops in order to preserve Mana, but then they were there, in front of the Diablos twins' house.

As Ritchie set him down to his feet, Michael felt his nervousness rise up inside him once more. The bluenette must have seen this because he pressed a kiss to the side of his head to help comfort him before taking his hand and leading him to the door.

Ritchie entered the door and called. "Brandon! I'm home with that guest I was telling you about!"

There was silence for a moment before the second Diablos twin walked into the living room, dusting his hands off as if he had been doing some work. The white-haired guild leader grinned when he saw the two before he said. "So nice to see you again, Michael! Or should I say little shadow?"

"Brandon!" Ritchie complained with a blush on his face.

"Little shadow, eh?" Michael raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend who just blushed a deeper red. "That's cute." And a darker red still.

Brandon chuckled as he walked over and offered Michael his hand. With a nervous smile, Michael took it and all seemed well until he looked Brandon in the eye. Something about the look in the air mage's eyes conveyed to him the stereotypical overprotective speech: 'Hurt him and they'll never find the body.' It sent a shiver down his spine even as settled back against Ritchie's side.

The look on Brandon's face quickly changed back into a smile though as he congratulated his twin on getting a boyfriend, teasing him lightly in a way that Michael found hilarious. And while he was still a little nervous about Brandon, that nervousness soon dissolved as he watched the two laugh and joke with each other.

Though he did pout when Brandon denied his and Ritchie's request of him sleeping over as it got dark. 

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