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Oli spotted Elissa as soon as he walked into the park. She was sat on the swing set alone, pushing herself back and forth with her foot lazily. He approached her warily, not sure what would happen. She didn't even look up from the floor until Oli cleared his throat dramatically.

"Oh hi." She said casually, making Oli instantly confused.

"Hi?" He replied back, though it sounded more like a question then a greeting.

"I wanted to apologise to you, I've been such a dick to you and Josh." She said, sounding actually apologetic for once.

No shit Sherlock Oli thought in his head, staring back at the girl who was once his best friend.

"I just love you so much Oli." She sighed. "I've had this weird crush on you for years now and I know that sounds weird and wrong but I just couldn't help it. Every time we cuddles and kissed platonically, I was just hoping that one day you would turn around and admit it meant more to you than that, but you never did. When you started getting close with Josh I was so mad because you were mine not his. Growing up, Josh always got everything I wanted so I couldn't just stand by and watch him take you away from me too."

"Elissa I don't know what to say." Oli sighed. "I can't love you romantically, I'm as straight as a circle but I'll always be yours, you're my best friend."

"I think that's what hurts the most, that you're my best friend so i can't be mad at you for not liking me back." She cried. "I just want us to go back to the way it was."

"W-we can, I just need some time and I think you do too. You need to get over me and I need to fully forgive you." Oli sighed. Elissa nodded at him and got off the swing set. She pulled Oli into a hug that was awkward at first but reminded him of how they use to be.

He finally felt like he had got his best friend back, at least for the most past.

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