Meeting competitors

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So...How's life? I decided to do a chapter where Y/n meets and becomes acquainted with most of her love interests. Trying to speed things up a bit so I can write different moments with the other characters cuz damn, I have many ideas. Telling you now, not all of them are introduced, some will be introduced in later chapters. I have to figure out Y/n's matches though since I don't want to fuck up the original matches. Any ideas? Do I add extra made up characters? Maybe? 


Y/n ran around the ship, looking for Atsushi as he had run away from her when she turned her back on him for one second. Running around ship, looking in every nook and cranny was exhausting and all she wanted to do was go to sleep, but Y/n can't do that until she found Atsushi.

"These kids are going to get me killed," Y/n mumbles to herself as she turned a sharp corner. She thought about her bed and she thought about the peace and quiet she would finally get after the long hectic day. Having to constantly watch over children and make sure they didn't get hurt or sick was difficult already, and to add the tournament on top, god, Y/n felt as if she was going to pass out.

 It seemed like she got too into her thoughts though, since she had almost ran into a wall.

"Woah!" She skids to a stop and sticks her hands out to protect herself from kissing the wall and it stumbles back a bit. "Ugh," Y/n rests her head against the wall, groaning and staring at the floor with watery eyes since she yawned. Y/n rubs her eyes, and the wall moves.




walls don't move...

"Are you gonna stand there with your head on my back or tell us what you're doing here?" Y/n eyes snap open as she now realizes that the wall she had almost ran into had actually been the muscular chest of a young boy. 


Y/n slowly lifts her head up and off the chest and looks up to the owner. The person she had mistaken for a wall had bright green eyes that seemed to become more vibrant when paired with his blond hair that was in a bob. His looks were captivating but Y/n was too embarrassed to notice the rest. Her eyes were wide as she looked like a deer in headlights, probably because she felt like one.

She stumbles back as she remains silent, anxiety slowly taking hold of her as she took a quick look around. There was a huge ass dent in the wall with a body laid beside it, she wasn't sure if they were dead or not, then right by her legs was an unconscious man and much like when she first met Ohma, Y/n could not prevent her mouth from moving.

"What's up with the dead dudes?" She immediately slaps a hand to her mouth as the person in front of her looks back to someone else in the back, from what she saw, the person was male and just as beefy, if not, more than the one in front of her.

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