How are you guys?

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So my apologies, but this is not an update, there will be one soon though since I've been given two weeks more off school thanks to the coronavirus.

See, this is what we have to do! Look at the bright side of things, ya know? Yeah, on the one side we have people getting infected and quarantined from their family, but we also don't have school and I can finally be productive with my books and school work! Though, this week I'll be focusing on my homework since I procrastinated all week last week, so next update should be next week, or the end of this week.

But in all seriousness, how are you guys doing? I know we're in a pretty serious situation right now. Some of us are in the constant fear and stress of our loved ones getting sick. Some of us are feeling suffocated from being stuck in our homes for prolonged periods of time. And some of us are just overwhelmed by everything in general. I get that, and it's completely fine to feel like that!

Understand, that you are not alone. It may not be much, but I'll be here for you guys! You've all been so supportive for me, leaving me words of encouragement and respect, and all in all caring about my wellbeing, so I want to help you guys as well. It may not be much, but talking it out with someone is honestly pretty refreshing in my opinion so maybe it'll help you, even if it's just a tiny bit. Don't be afraid, I'll listen and reply, well more like read and reply, but you get it.

Let's all stay strong and keep moving forward! The year 2020 may be starting off shitty as all hell but we can make it better by trying to find at least one positive thing in life, right?

I love you all, so much, really. Be safe, wash your hands, and try to keep a level head because eventually everything will calm down, and our lives will continue.~❤

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