Hello There

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Hello lovely people! How've you been? I didn't know what to put as the title so I just put that.
Hanafusa is also a part of the big ass harem that the reader is in. As well as Rei and Raian, which I will be introducing soon and that sums up the whole harem. Hanafusa has got to be one of my favorite characters, honestly. Also, I'm not writing out the fight between Mokichi and Raian since that's a bit much and I'm tired as all hell.

I hope you enjoy!


"Now let's take a look- oh. Hello there," Y/n looked over to the source of the voice. By the door stood a man. His hair was blond, and like Cosmo's hair, it was in a bob. His eyes were a dark blue, and unlike most people, his eyes were dull and foggy with a distinct creepy glare that caused Y/n to shudder. He wore a blue button-up shirt with a pair of black dress pants with brown shoes. She assumed that this man was the doctor judging by the coat he had on and the way he dressed, "You're not Cosmo Imai," he went over to a cabinet in the room.

"I am not," The doctor nodded his head, an eerie smile present on his lips as he walked around the room before walking to the bed across from Y/n.

"May I ask where he is, Ms-?" His voice lifting up in the end as he asked for her name. He placed his tablet beside him as he sat down, his eyes looking her up and down, checking for any abnormalities or just checking her out, could be both, before stopping and staring her in the eyes.

"Y/n L/n but just call me Y/n. And Cosmo went to the bathroom, he left just a couple minutes before you came here,"

"Y/n L/n? Oh! You must be the female fighter that everyone's been talking about!"

"People are talking about me?" Y/n tilts her head, her mouth slightly open as she furrowed her brows. Why were people talking about her? It couldn't really be so mind-boggling that a girl is fighting in a tournament like this, right? There had to be other female fighters before her, right?

'I should've thought this through,'  Y/n sweatdropped as she chuckled nervously.

"You do know that you're the first female to ever fight in a Kengan match, correct?" Y/n squints her eyes, pursing her lips as she mentally punches herself.

"I-...No. No, I did not know that. I really didn't think this through," the doctor chuckles, finding the girl amusing and interesting.

"Well then, Y/n, my name is Hajime Hanafusa, and you may call me whatever you feel comfortable with. I hope you don't mind me asking you some questions regarding Imai,"

Y/n shook her 'no' and continued to swing her legs as they spoke with one another.

"Well then, since you both seem to be on the first-name basis, I take it you guys are quite close. Lovers, perhaps?" Hanafusa placed his hands in his lap as continued to stare at Y/n. And while most people would feel uneasy, Y/n found his gaze to be strangely welcoming...? Or nice..? She wasn't sure, she just knew that it didn't bother her.

"We aren't together or anything like that. And from what my feelings tell me, he's just a friend," Though Y/n couldn't deny the fact that those feelings were going to change.

Hanafusa hums, his eyes seeming to spark with a small hint of relief and happiness after hearing her answer, though weird, it was reassuring. He really didn't want to have to pass up such a fine specimen like Y/n. She seemed to be unaffected by his clearly unstable state and she was quite expressive, an open book but it also made him wonder if that was just something she did to hide her true self. He had a feeling that there was something more to the girl than just smiles.

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