Mini moments~Gaolang

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Todays lovely mini moments title is:

A quiet night

I hope you all enjoy it! I'm so sorry for the long wait! Writer's block has me weak.


It was a quiet night. 

After the midnight meal with Saw Paing, they had separated their ways. Saw paing going to his room because he was sleepy, for once, while Y/n had decided to take a walk by the beach since she wasn't exactly tired thanks to Saw Paing and his energetic persona.

Not that it was bad or anything, it was quite refreshing since she'd been around Ohma's cocky ass for so long. Though she kinda wished that Saw Paing chose a different time to energize her.

Y/n sat down in the sand, shoes in hand as she gazed at the crashing waves. The salty water just barely washing over her feet, moving sand between her toes.

She sighed quietly to herself, closing her eyes as she tuned out the world, not paying any attention to her surroundings, even though she should've.

It was a stressful day. First, she'd ran into Raian, lost her hoodie, panicked about kissing Ouma's cheek, then got into an argument with him that was cut short by a call from Mirai and Atsushi. After that, she was stuck with the 1-year-old as he'd clung to her and refused to leave her alone.

"Ugh!" Y/n groaned, laying down, unbothered by the sand getting into hair, she'd take a shower when she'd go back to her room.

She just wanted a moment alone.

A moment away from socializing.

A moment away from people.

That's all she wanted.


'I fucking hate you God,' Y/n rolled her eyes before uncovering her face and glancing behind her, eyes widening just slightly at the figure behind her.

"Gaolang? What are you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing," his voice had an undertone of amusement as he smiled at her. Y/n sat up, watching as the brunet sat down beside her, a short yet comfortable distance set in between them as the wind blew past.

"You okay? You seem stressed,"

"I guess that's because I kinda am. This whole situation is just a little difficult for me,"

"Difficult?" Y/n wasn't sure if she should out right tell him everything. From her doubts, to the little argument she had with Ohma, to having to keep a one-year-old and two five-year-old's from ripping peoples hair out from their scalps.

'What does mom even feed those kids? Steroids?'

She sighed, lost in thought on what to say with Gaolang right beside her, patiently waiting for her response.

"I..." she started, gaining a pair of eyes on her, causing her to grab a piece of her stray hair and twirl it around, "...I guess...just having to fight in a situation where my life could end has me on some edge, but that's mostly because of my siblings being here. I have to care of them since I'm the oldest and blah blah blah. It's only the first day with them in a place like this and I'm already losing my mind!" It all just came tumbling out her mouth. She knew what she wanted to say, and she knew what to keep to herself.

"You've met Atsushi before, right?"

Y/n didn't see the need in bringing Gaolang into her other personal relationships, so she simply talked about her youngest brother.

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