Mini Moments~Ohma

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Hyello my precious readers! Thank you so much for the positive comments, they really help me. It's hard for me to stay happy with the constant stress from school but when I see the votes and the comments telling me that you guys enjoy this book, it brings my mood up and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that.

So like, I have two honors classes, that I regret taking. Reason number one is because of the fact that all of my god damn breaks are filled with homework so I can't practice drawing and I can't take my time in writing. Most of the time when I make chapters, I end up pushing aside my homework. Reason two is because it stresses me out and I hate it because I feel like crying all the goddamn time. I have this one project called NHD for my honors history class. And for non-honors, you get a choice to do it, if you're in honors, you're forced to do NHD.

Which is just stupid in my opinion. I get that we're supposedly the smarter classes but we're still kids. Just because we understand something at a faster pace doesn't mean we don't struggle and it also doesn't mean that we don't get stressed out. So, after my mini rant explaining everything, basically what's happening is that I won't be able to work on this book as much as I would like to during winter break, but I decided to write mini moments for each character that'll like Y/n.

Thank you so much for reading this book and for being so patient and understanding. It genuinely makes me happy to see you guys enjoying this book.

So, I hope you like this chapter just as much!

The title for this mini moments chapter is called:

Movie Night

This takes place before the tournament!


"Hey Ohma!" Y/n calls out from her kitchen as she walks over to Ohma who had made himself comfortable on the couch in the living room. Her pace was slow as she dialed the number of (Fav pizza place).

"Yeah?" He turns to look at the short girl, his face as expressionless as it usually is when he isn't fighting or is just bored. 

"Are you fine with (fav pizza place)?" He shrugs his shoulders in response, "I'm fine with anything as long as I just get food in the end," Y/n nods, her h/c hair moving along with the movement of her head as she turns to place her order.

Ohma watches as she paces around the house, moving from the kitchen to the living room then back to the kitchen as confirms the order she placed. 

"Thank you! Bye," she ends the call before flopping down onto the couch with a sigh of relief, "I hate talking over the phone," Ohma rolls his eyes at his petite friend as she lazily drops her hand on the coffee table in front of her, trying to find the remote to her T.V. to put on a movie for their movie night.

Ohma remembers arguing about if he blushed or not and after that, Y/n insisted on having a movie night. Not that he minded since he was with her but he just didn't see the point to the whole movie night thing, especially if they were going to the tournament the next day.

He just shook his head and nudged the remoter over to Y/n's wandering hands that just went in circular motions to find said thing. "Found it!" her voice muffled by the couch cushion before she raises her hand to send Ohma one of her weird faces.

He had gotten use to them at this point so he didn't really comment or make a face. Instead he turned away and stared blankly at the wall behind him as the door bell rang.

"Damn okay, I see how it is. Gonna leave me hanging, don't expect any pizza for you!" Y/n mumbles away as she answers the door, pays the delivery boy while leaving a generous tip, and shuts the door when he turns away so she didn't end up slamming the door on his face.

"What genre do you want to watch?" She asks while silently praying he wouldn't pick horror but it seemed that lady luck was not on her side today. (Sorry if you like horror. Some stuff about Y/n is based off of some of the things I like and dislike and I'm not a horror fan)

"What about a horror film," He told rather than asked. Y/n purses her lips as she settles the food and plates onto the table. She sighs, mumbling an okay before turning to the stares to get herself a blanket for protection.


"I'm gonna tell you this now, I don't like spooky stuff so expect me to jump and hide in this blanket. And if I hit you, I am sorry in advance," Y/n warns him as she puts on (Horror movie) and grabs a slice of pizza as well as fries and hot wings. Ohma makes sure to remember this fact before speaking.

"You got a lot of food," He stares at the food piled on her plate.

"Go big or go home," Y/n quickly responds as she takes a bite out of her fries and presses play with her nose to avoid getting the remote greasy. 

Everything in the movie started out slow. Everything was calm and serene. Nothing bad had popped out but the tension increased as the movie continued playing. After finishing her plate, Y/n cleaned her hands with the napkins she got from her kitchen and as she looked up, a jump scare had happened at the exact same moment.

She flinches away and lets out a silent gasp and shuts her eyes while clutching the napkin in her hand. Ohma had to admit that he found it cute when Y/n had cracked her eyes open just the tiniest bit to see if anything else was going to happen before dropping her napkin onto her plate and quickly cocooning herself in her blanket. Just the top of her head showed as she would peak over and listen to the suspense build up in the music. 

"I don't think another jump scare is gonna happen, Y/n," Ohma watches the girl jump out of her cocoon and stare at him wide eyed as she didn't expect him to speak. She nods and slumps down into her seat and lays her head against Ohma's arm before quickly picking her head back up for approval.

After that, she lays her head back down, unconsciously grabbing onto Ohma's hand and playing with his fingers as she nervously bit at her bottom lip. Her breathing was slow as her eyebrows continued to frown with every strike of the violin in the background, signaling that something was going to happen. Y/n then held her breath, inching more into Ohma as all her focus was put into the screen in front of her, while Ohma's attention was on her slightly trembling form. 

He watches her chest collapse into her as she let's out a breath of relief. He watches the emotion that swims in her eyes as they shift around and stare at different parts of the room before ultimately going back to the screen. He watches her fingers play with his, tracing small patterns onto his palm with every second. He watches her lips as they move and let out noises and little complaints of how dumb the characters are for walking into the god damn place to begin with. He watches her coil into his arm as she holds onto it even tighter as the climax of the movie finally seems to settle down.

Most of all, Ohma stares at the sleeping figure of Y/n, her expression soft and gentle as the credits of the movie are heard in the background and illuminates the dark room.


I got carried away. Sorry if this was bad and for any oocness! No hate, only constructive criticism please and I hope you enjoyed!

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