Mini moments~Ohma #2

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Title: Waste Of Time


Y/n had just texted Mirai, telling her that she would be there soon to pick up the twins and Atsushi. She had decided to go through with her plans of visiting Ohma since she would be busy with her siblings for the most part until her match.

And honestly, she didn't want his attitude to rub off on the twins. They were both impressionable and susceptible to all forms of people.

Which is common among kids, but Daichi and Emiko took it to whole other level.

'Imagine the chaos that would break out if they met Raian....' the twins would undoubtedly become murderers if they met the violent fighter. A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the loud crack that had come from his opponents neck.

'Thank God they weren't around to see the fight,'

Y/n turns the corner, eyes catching Ohma's room near the end of the hall.

'Gotta make this quick before they do something worse from throwing sand into people's eyes,' she sighs, not exactly looking forward to having to drag the two spawns of satan and Atsushi every where she'd go.

'Goodbye peaceful silence. I'll miss you..'

She sighs once more as she reaches the room, before lightly knocking on Ohma's door and walking in.

"Hey Ohh- shit you're bleeding!" She steps back for a moment, cringing at the overflowing amount of blood leaving Ohma's nose before snapping out of her thoughts.

"I'll be right back,"


"I already told you that I'm fine, Y/n," Ohma's voice came out nasally from having his nose pinched closed.

Y/n had him sat up straight on one of the chairs in the room, his head leaning forward with the short girl in front of him. Her small hands held his nose closed while he held a paper towel that she'd gotten from the girls bathroom up to his nose.

Silence filled the room once more as the air conditioning in the room buzzed on the background.

Ohma began to slouch and Y/n placed a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back.


"You need to sit up straight," she ignored his small protests and growls, merely rolling her eyes at him. "If you don't want to go to the doctor then you better deal with me,"

"Why are you making such a big deal about this. It's just a bleeding nose,"

"Yes. A bleeding nose that started after a fight which usually means that there could be internal bleeding,"

"The bloods supposed to be inside though so I don't see the problem," the smirk on his face fading as she took a step back and got and got a look of her face.

Her arms were crossed and the look on her face told him to shut up. And he did. Looking everywhere but at her as his nose continued to spill an unholy amount of blood.

"I'm not here to joke around. You have go to the doctor,"


"They can help you! You shouldn't be bleeding this much," they'd been there for more than 30 minutes. Beside them had been a pile of bloodied napkins and the one they were using was already at its limits.

The frown on her lips deepened as she watched Ohma rolled his eyes and sigh. He didn't think it was as serious as Y/n was making it out to be.

He stood up before going on to walk past her, only to be stopped.

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