Mini moments~ Lihito

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Today's mini moment's title is:

Human Again

I hope you enjoy!


Y/n sat beside Lihito, patiently waiting for him to regain consciousness from his fight.

In her lap sat Atsushi, as well as the twins. They were all sleeping soundly so Y/n didn't have to worry about them possibly making Lihito feel any worse than he probably already did.

A sigh escaped past her lips, a bit disheartened by his loss. But what could she do?

Anyone with a brain could tell how one-sided the fight between him and Kuroki was. The only thing Lihito had going for him was Razors Edge but against brute strength and technique combined with that, it would have been a miracle if the blonde had won.

'I might have to go against that guy,' Y/n was thinking of Kuroki. There was no doubt that the man was strong, stronger than everyone in the tournament, as far as she could tell. And if she manages to win all of her matches then she'd be up against him before the final match.

'He might be on par with that Agito guy...' Himuro had talked about him before. He was supposedly a monster.

'I kinda feel like that's stretching the truth...' the sound of the door opening caught her attention, snapping her out of her thoughts. Okubo smiled towards the short girl, and handed her bottle of water.

"He hasn't woken up yet?" He takes a seat beside her and sighes.

"Nope," she bounces her leg and quietly shushes the sleeping child in her arms seeing as he was about to wake up. She then opened the water bottle and nudged Daichi and Emiko awake.

"You guys said you were thirsty, right?" She handed them the water bottle and watched as they took turns to drink, making sure they didn't end up choking on the water.

"Do you guys want to go back to our rooms?" She asked quietly and closed the bottle once they were done.

"Mmm..later! You're waiting for your "friend" to wake up, right?" Y/n ignored the emphasis they put on friend.

"Yeah but aren't you tired?"

"We can wait, now shush. We're sleeping now..."

'Are they really 5?' Thought the short fighter as they'd immediately went to sleep. Y/n felt a bit of jealousy. How were they able to fall asleep so easily? She always had to just stare at the ceiling before she finally passing out at the ass crack of dawn.

"What are you looking at Okubo? You making fun of me?" Y/n looked over at the older, a pout on her lips as her eyebrows were furrowed into a frown.

"No no. I would never!" He attempted to keep a straight face but it failed once he took a glance at Y/n. "Ignore me,"

"Already planned to..."

"Hey!" He shouted in offense before being shushed by Y/n. Her eyes were now, once again, on Lihito. She'd heard a quiet groan come from him, as his fingers twitched before slowly clenching into a fist.




He couldn't quite place who's voice that was, only knowing that it was someone he knew.

He heard shuffling and he struggled to open his eyes as the light flooded into his eyes, causing him to flinch slightly and groan. His body felt heavier than usual and he was sore all over.

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