Timothy and Madeline walked back towards Nonnatus. He was holding the banner but kept almost dropping it every few seconds.
"Were going to see Fred next" she said heading to Fred's allotment.
"What for?" Timothy asked almost dropping the banner again.
"The paint for the banner" she told him.
"Fred!" She called from the entrance of the allotment.
"Yes" he said appearing from his shed wiping his hands on a cloth.
"Have you got any paint?" She asked sweetly.
"What colour?"
"Any will do"
"One second" he said disappearing into the shed to look for any tins of paint. Timothy and Madeline heard Fred banging around and saying ow a lot whilst he was in the shed. He appeared a minute later holding yellow and black tins of paint.
"Which one takes your fancy sister?" He asked.
"I'll have both please Fred" she smiled. He walked across the allotment and handed them to her with a smile.
"Enjoy" he smiled at them kindly.
"Thank you Fred" she smiled at him and headed back to Nonnatus with Timothy right behind her.Inside Nonnatus
"So what design are you thinking of?" He asked.
"Well yellow lettering and black decoration" she said tapping a paint brush on her chin.
"Sounds great" he smiled "let's get started" he smiled again grabbing a paint brush.2 hours later
"Perfect" she smiled at Timothy.
"Great job" he smiled at her.
"You helped to"
"Great joint effort"
"Poplars winter dance" she said reading the sign we made.
"Poplars perfect winter dance" he smiled at her.
We heard the front door open and close then we saw sister julienne entering the living room.
"Hello sister" she smiled at her from her place on the floor.
"Hello sister and Dr Turner" she smiled back "I see preparations are well underway for the dance" she smiled looking at the banner and our paint covered faces and hands.
"Yes sister and there is still lots to do" Dr Turner smiled.
"You must stay for tea Dr" sister julienne said.
"I wouldn't want to intrude" he said.
"It wouldn't be intruding Timothy" she smiled at him.
"Alright then" he smiled at her and at sister julienne.At dinner
"It's lovely for you to be joing us for tea Dr Turner" Trixie kindly said to him.
"It's nice to join you lovely lady's" he smiled at her.
"Flattery will earn you an extra slice of chocolate cake" Trixie smiled at him.
"It wasn't flattery, it was all true" he smiled back at her.
"So how are the preparations coming along?" Sister julienne asked.
"Good so far we have made a banner and after tea we are going to get started on the posters" I smiled widely.
"Good work" sister julienne smiled.
"It was all sister Huxley all I did was the heavy lifting" he joked.
"You did more than that Timothy you were a tremendous help with the painting" I smiled at him.
"Yes I am very talented with a paint brush aren't I" he smiled making us all chuckle.

The New Midwife
FanfictionSister Huxley, a new sister and midwife must face the challenges of a new town and home to help guide newly expectant mothers into a new dawn called parenthood whilst hiding the secrets of her past...