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"Twice?!" Tyler flinched a bit at the words and even at Josh's calmness as he nodded his head slowly.

"Yeah. Twice. You see.. around when I was 20.."

Josh was only 21 now.

"My mom was suicidal.. I did the best I could to help but.. but she killed herself and overdosed on pills." Josh's voice cracked and Tyler squeezed him just a bit.

"When she was dying on that floor.. I was stupid. I didn't call for no ambulance..I summoned the devil and made a deal. A deal to haunt me forever so my mother could live."


Josh just shook his head and spoke "she came back to life. She only stayed alive for a month while I was planning my own suicide.. the devil.. he.. he really messed me up."

Was josh telling the truth? Tyler couldn't seem to believe it but with that carved into his skin and knowing josh and all of these nightmares going on.. he knew it had to be true.

"But then he talked to me and he said seeing me suffer wasn't enough.. he wanted to take my brother's life." Tyler wiped a tear from his cheek "and I told him no. I put a protection spell on my brother.. and he.. he got angry. He possessed my mother and she slit her throat right in front me and Jordan. I told my brother the truth and he hated me ever since.. it's my fault anyways"

Tyler already saw the sun peeking up and he knew he was gonna force Josh to stay home from work today.

"The devil was mad.. he couldn't get to Jordan or me and he still wanted more pain.. even with my mother dead. I had to call the police and they almost thought I killed her until they saw her fingerprints on the knife.." Josh let out a whimper at the sudden flashbacks and he curled up close to Tyler who started to play with his hair. "Once I turned 21. He..he now has plans to take you. The only one I love and the only one I have left.. and Tyler.. I..i can't.." He sobs out as Tyler's blood ran cold "Blurry.. he's.. he's just the devil's assistant and it's all my fault"

"No. Josh.. josh listen to me.. please..!" Tyler sat him up straight and wiped his tears along with his own "we.. we can fix this.. we can.. we can fight this. I know we can. We just need hope.. he.. he can't get to us. He can't"

"I put so many protection spells but he said he was gonna make you burn.. Tyler I can't lose you.. I.. i..!" He coughs in between sobs and he felt the need to puke.

"I won't leave you! I never will.." He cupped his face and felt a spark go off inside of him as he teared up again "I won't leave you.." He whispers out, his voice cracking.


"Are you sure you weren't just mad with the fact that he got Blurry inside your mind?"

Tyler shook his head "Josh didn't do it. Satan did. It wasn't josh."

"But josh summoned him"

"Doesn't matter. He did it for good, he didn't know any better!"

"Why are you so supportive of him? He brought satan into your life? Blurry became apart of your life as well"

"Because.." Tyler's voice cracked "because I love him. I loved him back then and I love him now and no matter what he does or did.. I would never EVER leave his side"

"You seem.. attached, Joseph"

"He was gonna marry me." He whispers out and the man shook his head with disapproval "He wasn't. His fate was to die"

"I fucking hate you" Tyler spats out.

"Noted" The man nodded.

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