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"How long do you want me to stay?.." Tyler asked, Josh curled up at his side as his hair was played with.

"Just a little more. Please? I'm sorry"

Tyler shook his head and smiled "no, I wanna stay. I'm glad you want me here. I really.. really like waking up next to you" Now it was Josh's turn to smile "well.. we can make that happen.. "

"How?" Tyler asked with a slight tease and Josh looked up at him "I could marry you"

"What kind of best friends are we!" Tyler giggles out and Josh couldn't help but giggle along with him and then smirked "We are the best, best, best, friends." Tyler nodded in agreement and both boys dozed off, Josh getting a good night sleep for once.


When it was early morning, Josh woke up first and double checked the mirror to make sure his eyes were his normal brown, he noticed that time was going fast and it was scary. He was yelling at Tyler yesterday that was the morning and then after all of his screaming and the dreams, he was cradled in bed by Tyler and the moon was out and both boys fell asleep.

Too fast.


"Where did the fire come from?" The man asked Tyler, another question and Tyler feels like he's going insane. "From the ground."

"The ground?"

Tyler nods, his face stern, he was serious "fire came from the ground, attached itself to the trees. It was coming to me and then.. I blinked. I fucking blinked and Josh was the one burning"

"You just blinked and the fire was on Joshua?"


"Relax, Tyler"

"Well listen to me, god damn it!" He slams his hand on the table which is like the 100th time today.

"I am, Tyler.. i am and I'm trying to understand what happen. We still need to know how he.. "

"How he died?" He hissed out "I told you already. He died in the fire.. the fire that was supposed to be me! ME! I SHOULD OF DIED!" He screamed out, the man jumped up and rushed over to Tyler who sat up as the chair fell right to the floor.

"THE FIRE SHOULD OF TOOK MY LIFE AWAY! ME!" He was held, held grounded as the man wrapped his arms around the smaller male. "WHY WAS IT HIM?! HUH?! AND NOW EVERYONE THINKS I KILLED HIM? KILL ME! BURN ME LIKE YOU BURNED MY LOVER!" He screams, crying hysterically as he tugged at the cuff from the table. "GO AHEAD! GO AND BURN ME!"


The man took the chair, putting it back as he helped Tyler sit down as he started to shake violently.

"Burn me.. like you burned my lover.."


Both boys were at the park, holding hands as they slowly were swinging as Josh giggled "we are little kids" and Tyler nodded as he gave a squeeze to Josh's hand.

"You think we are safe.. as for right now?" Tyler asked and looked up at the sun, swinging a bit higher which made Josh start swinging.

"Yeah.. yeah.. he can't get me here.. and he can't get you."

"Safe?" Tyler turns to him, Josh nodded "safe"

"You know.. those words.. I can't get them out of my head" Tyler mutters out, Josh pursued his lips together and then let out a sigh "which words?"

"That.. that I shouldn't be surprised if you wouldn't be here for much longer.."

Josh let go of his hand, his hand now got cold without him so with Tyler's free hand he went to just hold onto the bar just like Josh did.

"It's true"

Tyler let out a sniffle "don't let it be true..please"

"I'll.. try"

Safe (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now