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Tyler sat next to him, holding his hand and giving it a few squeezes from time to time, Josh's heart was pounding since he truly thought he wasn't gonna answer, he even had a whole voicemail ready for him just Incase.

'What.. what.. are you okay?' The male was lost for words, he's been so long since he's talked with him and now he kinda wished he had somewhat communication with him or at least tried to talk with him, in all honesty..he missed hearing Josh's voice.

"I'm fine I.. i just needed to clear things up with you. I wanted to talk to you.. tell you how fucking sorry I am" Josh's voice cracked and Tyler was getting emotional just by looking at Josh getting all worked up and not even trying to hide it. There was no need to hide it.

'Are you okay?' Jordan just had to ask again, Josh took a deep breath "I saw our mother"

'You went to go visit her grave?'

"No. I saw her.. in my house.. I talked to her. She told me she.. she forgave me"

'Are you just making this up to make yourself feel better for what you done?' He spoke harshly and Josh felt so small under his brother's voice.

"No..no! I know it sounds crazy but just listen to i saw-"

The line went dead and Josh burst into tears once again, laying his on the table as his wrist started to burn, Tyler went and cling to him as he rubbed his back "even if he doesn't believe it.. which is valid.. I know he still cares for you.. and i know he loves you and i love you, Josh. Okay? I will always love you."

"I..i just wish.. I could change everything.." He sniffles, going closer to him and holding him tightly and soon the phone buzzed, he looked up with his puffy eyes and saw a text.

'Jordan: I still love you. Stay safe. If you're on any meds give them a break'

Tyler smiled softly "see?"

Josh rubbed his eyes and soon brought Tyler into a passionate kiss.


"I still talk to Jordan sometimes.." Tyler admitted, the man looked up at him "really? How is he?"

"Not good.. he's starting to believe that what Josh said was true.. if I can leave here soon enough.. I would like to go home and try to get in contact with Josh's mother"

"If the court pleads you aren't guilty.. you are free to go"

"This is bullshit.. I didn't kill him. I. Didn't. Kill. Him!"

"I'm starting to believe you.. or.. maybe you're just a tough case to crack"

"Fuck you." Tyler hisses out and then the man pointed at him "see? Why are you getting so defensive?"

"Because..! I didn't kill my boyfriend! I didn't!"

"Are you sure?"



"What are you doing?" Tyler asked as he looked up and smelled the strong scent, Josh just continued and then spoke "It's sage.. it's suppose to protect the house from like evil ghost"

"Don't say 'evil ghost.' Say evil spirts." Tyler commented and Josh just rolled his eyes but smiled just a bit, Tyler got up from the couch and danced in the smoke which got Josh to giggle and soon the sage burnt out which made Tyler frown.

"Come on, Mr.know it all.. let's go upstairs and maybe we can cuddle?"

Tyler grins "I like the sound of- Hey!" He squeaks when he got picked up bride style and soon was getting carried up to the bedroom and then was thrown right into the bed, Josh smirked and crawled on top of him but then pressed a kiss to his nose "I love you"

"Really?.." Tyler blushed and Josh nodded "yes..really. I love you."

"Well.. I love you too" Tyler pressed a kiss back to his nose and both got under the covers and held each other to stay safe.

"Safe.?" Tyler said softly as josh nodded while resting his head on Tyler's chest "Safe.."

"The days are going by faster and faster.. what does that mean?.."

"It means that something is coming up and he.. he wants it to come faster.."

"I'm scared, Josh..I'm terrified. And..and it's okay to be scared too."

Josh bit his lip "I love you." Tyler went and gave him a bit of a squeeze and then kissed the top of his head "I love you too..do you think we can dye your hair?"

"I would love that.. what color?"

"I wanna see a yellow josh.."

"A yellow josh it is then"


"How much did you love, Josh?"

"I still love him." Tyler states "and l'l love him forever"

"Yes but.. how much did you love him?"

"Do. And i love him so much.. I would die for him and well.. he would die for me. He did die for me. He is my everything."

"He's dead now, Tyler. He can't be your boyfriend anymore."

"You don't get to make that decision!.." Tyler snaps, the man sighed "whatever you say.."

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